Sometimes I wish I could be one of those life advice, beauty gurus who post blogs and videos and are really connected with social media. But then I forget that I have a blog, and here I am five months later, filling in the gaps from my last post.
The fear from my last post is gone. I passed my exam, left on a spontaneous, whirl-wind trip to California and spent a week walking around the beach, reading and going to Disneyland. I came home and had to find a job, which I did.
The funny thing is I was so nervous about all the changes in my life, that I was so unsettled with making choices, yet I did it. I picked a job, changed locations because it wasn't right for me, and managed to buy a car. I've quit the long standing waitress job and every time I drive by the building I get this weird feeling- I'm so glad to be done with the place, but it is weird not to be rolling out of bed 20 minutes before my Sunday morning shift to serve senior coffees to people who knew me since I was 16. It's a true testament to the saying that life goes on, even if you're not a part of that life anymore.
But I am still awful at making decisions. Today's my birthday and I've been asked what am I doing today. I have no clue, and honestly I don't mind sitting at home doing nothing.
The thing I've learned as I've 'grown up' is that I've come to accept my introvereted-ness and who I am. I will never be one of those girls who enjoys putting on tight clothes, high heels, and partying the night away. It's not me. I used to be so insecure about in in high school and college, that by being a part of that lifestyle it would get me more friends.
Well I don't need more friends because the ones I have are great. I think this whole getting older thing isn't about maturing, and doing x, y and z to get you where you want to be. You really have to get to know your ever changing self and be okay with it. I may not be in the same spot as other 24 year olds, but I am getting there, slowly. It isn't a race, and lets be real if it was one I'd be shit at it, bc I hate to run and am not competitive.