Friday, August 8, 2014

You know what I really need to do. I need to sit down and type. To write a story inside my head. The problem with that is I haven't written a story in YEARS. I say this because I took my basic, general education classes to fulfill a requirement in school. Yet I didn't do anything creatively. I had to analyze other books, which is fine and dandy because I think to be a better educated and intellectual person you should know how to analyze books, people, media. But I have never really sat down, thought about things and written for pleasure. 

I have ideas, but they kind of go fleetingly. And in my head if I were to actually write I know what I would want it to be about. But I feel that I am not very verbose in my writing, in using a wide range of adjectives to describe people, places or situations. 

I just feel that I crave reading stories that its frustrating that I am not better at my skills at storytelling. 

Random post, but whatever. It's just what's on my mind right now. 

But know that I found that quote, I kind of feel like my life and who I am should really focus on the second, in that I am trying to be a good person, and help others and make a small change to the world. All I seem to be doing is just thinking far too much recently. I want to do so much and I am terrified of how limiting life actually is.