Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to Class.

This summer seems to have sucked the life out of me and all I want to do is watch Brotherhood 2.0 videos and Lost.

Avoiding the temptation to do nothing is going to be very hard this semester.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

To Those Summer Nights I'll Never Forget.

So here comes the end of the summer, the fall chill is creeping about, which is a hundred percent true because today's high was like 66. But I feel the need to do one of those encompasing "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" posts. But before I dot I must mention the episode I tapped of Doctor Who had Barty Crouch and Barty Crouch Jr. in it! Win!

But in reality this has probably been one of the best summers ever. I worked as little as possible, hung out with my friends as much as possible and just had a great time.

May began in school, last weeks of class, finishing finals and then summer came. I basiclly bummed around for a few weeks with my friend Amy. We spent too much money on DVDs. My collection has mulitplied by like a ten-fold this summer alone. We did a lot of hiking. We traveled to sleeping giant, a mountian right next to my college where we took the hardest trail to the top, and I found out that I was an indoor child. I also decided one day during my usless hours spent driving around my town that I wanted to paint my room, so I got paint samples to put on the wall and wall paper remover. I started that project and it took up most of the summer when I finished almost in August.

Towards the end of May and the first two weeks of June, I spent it with my cousin and grandmother in Virginia. My Aunt was in Australia and Singapore for a business trip and she wanted me to come down and spend time with my cousin and keep my grandmother company. I basically lived the life of a retiree and read a lot, walked around the neighborhood, and had a persise and intricate TV schedule and lifestyle. Basically me looking at facebook every five seconds once I found a reliable but unsercure wireless. I hung out with teens and two adorable kids who were crazy and wild. Then I had to come back and face the reality of CT with the hopes of a trip to Canada in August, which seemed so far away at the time.

After my trip to Canada, I stayed home and bummed around some more, spending a lot of time at the local video rental store as my friend started dating a co-worker and befriending another one. I spent even more time taking down wallpaper with friends. One night my mom came home completely drunk and spent twenty mintues talking to me and my friend about how hot it was to take down wallpaper and how she was such a good friend. We'll still make fun of that night until we are old and senire. I painted a lot in July. I primed the walls, Painted the popcorn ceiling from hell and then painted the actual room. I hung out with my friends more, having an awesome forth of July party, meeting one of my best friend's friends from school. Roasting marshmellows, being incredibly stupid and just enjoying life. I went to Cape Cod for the first time with my friend and had a great time being a tourist and her showing me everything. I deleted all of my pictures off my camera before I put some on my laptop. I celebrated my 19 birthday playing mini-golf and going to dinner with friends. It was a good month.

August came too fast, which me still bumming around. My best friend was an orientation leader for her school for a week and a half so I didn't see her that ofter in the middle of July and my other friend pulled 40 hours a week too. I went on a cruise to Canada and had a spiffy time being a tourist and then spend 2 days in NYC being a tourist and seeing a great play Wicked. I hung out with friends more and enjoyed the last few precious days of summer. And here I am, already have said bye to two friends and getting ready for school in 2 days.

It wasn't as sad an scary as it was last year. I think the shock will hit my when I can't just call my friends and say lets go out and we obviously can't because of distance.

It was a fufilling summer and one I don't think I will ever forget. I don't want it to end because I want to be lazy forever. I just got an e-mail from my Anatomy lab professor and he's an MD PhD. Impressivley terrifying much?

It's funny though, there are three types of college kids. Those who want to go back right the minute they left (They enjoy the freedom, partying, new and awesome friends ect.) Those who don't ever want to go back (Too much drama, work, money ect.) And those in the middle. (A combo of the two). I like to think I'm the last type.

But in unrelated news I went to Justin's wake. It was the saddest thing I've ever been to. No Parent should have to bury their child, especailly at his age. I saw a lot of teachers I had in elementary school as well as a couple class mates. I hugged his parents and sister and told them how sorry I was. I told them Justin was an important part of my childhood and nothing would change that. It surreal and terrible and I cried while I was there and on my way home. It's still surreal to think he's gone, and it hits me from time to time. I hope his family is okay and they gain peace over the whole thing.

Anyway its late and I want to watch this episode of Doctor Who.

Night readers (the zero of you out there). Get ready for my sophomore year at college to come.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Allergies to corn?

Did you know its possible to be allergic to corn and potatoes? Well my brother is. I'm pretty sure that would cause me to die, well more of the potato part. He has to get an epipen and everything in case its serious. But there are so many food products that have corn in it that he has to limit. Hopefully since they caught it at a fairly young age he'll be able to build up a tolerance and be okay. It's just a weird thing to be allergic to.

I'm going to Justin's wake tomorrow for a little. My parents are wondering why I am going, but I feel like I should go because I knew him and I was close with his sister. I've never been to a wake before so it will be so surreal. My aunt passed away a few years ago and I didn't go to the wake because I was out of state and I was not emotionaly ready to go to one because I was like 15 and couldn't handle it.

Before and after that I'm hanging out with my closest friends because they all leave this weekend, which sucks. I'm going to miss them too much, but I realize we have more fun with different stories to tell. Plus I'd get nothing done if they actually stayed in town.

Well thats whats new and exciting going on in my life, I'm probably going to read and watch Lost tonight.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

books and growing up

Well I was enjoying a day of listening to the wonderfully suave John Green talk on blogtv, but his video came up and I watched that and then his blogtv show ended.

You know you get older when you look at the year the Titanic was made in and suddenly 12 years have passed. Where have the gone, can you tell me?! Oh and when its time to get a 'grown up' email address. No more screen names with x's and o's or random numbers. A legit last name. first name is now going to float around, because god knows I'll need it sometime in the future and I better get it fast before all the other Meaghan Little's come a runnin'.

Now Book Survey via Hayley G Hoover, whom I wish to have 1/1000th of her wit and creative writing skills. Hurray mediocrity!

1. What author do you own the most books by?
Jo Rowling, but Louise Rennison may have a close second with 9 books

2. What book do you own the most copies of?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, with 3.

3. Did it bother you that both those questions ended with prepositions?
No. I can hardly speak english, do you expect me to know what a preposition is? (This is untrue, I had to learn like 100 different prepositions in middle school, I could take up the energy to find them in the mess of my brain, but I'm lazy and don't really care.)

4. What fictional character are you secretly in love with?
Quentin Jacobsen, Ed Kennedy, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, Stuart Little(even though we share the same last name), Colin Singleton, and maybe Nick Carraway from Great Gatsby, although i haven't reread it in a while and all I think of is my teacher beating me with the green light and eye doctor eyes.

5. What book have you read the most times in your life (excluding picture books read to children; i.e., Goodnight Moon does not count)?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? In all honesty I have lost track of how many times I've read certain books in the HP series.

6. What was your favorite book when you were ten years old?
Probably HP3. Or something from the babysitter's club. I was obsessed with those books/show.

7. What is the worst book you've read in the past year?
Breaking dawn. I'm pretty sure I never put down a book so many times to stop laughing or trying to figure out why i bought the series.

8. What is the best book you've read in the past year?
The Hunger Games, or Paper Towns maybe oh wait maybe Beloved, by Toni Morrison that was pretty good. Most of the books I've read this year I've read before.

9. If you could force everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be?
Probably Outliers, which is saying something since I have the book but havent gotten to it yet. I will.

10. What book would you most like to see made into a movie?
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?

11. What book would you least like to see made into a movie?
Stiff, the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. As much as it was an interesting and witty book, I don't want to see a movie about dead bodies and their use in the modern world and science.

12. Describe your weirdest dream involving a writer, book, or literary character.
I was upstairs in some lofty apartment thing when I was awaken by a phonecall to tell Maureen Johnson that she would be going to China in a week. I went downstairs to a table full of authors but only noticed John Green, Maureen, and Hank Green. I relayed the message and joined them for dinner

13. What is the most lowbrow book you've read as an adult?
Twilight? I'm not sure because I'm still getting used to the idea of being an adult and its only been a year.

14. What is the most difficult book you've ever read?
Lord of the Rings. It's wasn't difficult to understand. I just couldn't stand the hobbits singing all the time. And I was 12 at the time so my attention span was pretty low for a large and language rich novel

15. What is the most obscure Shakespeare play you've seen?
I haven't seen any Shakespeare plays, I'm supposedly related to him though.

16. Do you prefer the French or the Russians?
I've barely scraped the surface of english literature, It'll take a while before I take on frech or russian works

17. Roth or Updike?
Never heard of them, I'm so uninformed.

18. David Sedaris or Dave Eggers?
never heard of either again, DAMN TIME FOR BEING SO SHORT

19. Shakespeare, Milton, or Chaucer?
Shakespeare, never heard of Milton and I despise the Canterbury Tales

20. Austen or Eliot?
Austen FTW

21. What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading?
Probably the time from like 3rd grade to like 8th grade where I just recall reading Harry Potter with a few books in between.

22. What is your favorite novel?
Deathly Hallows. But I'm impartial to the word favorite, I love all books

23. Play?
Romeo and Juliet.

24. Poem?
I despise Poems, like a lot. I will not read them because I hate them so much

25. Essay?
Not a big essay reader out of school, but deffinatley something from my House and Philosophy book or Lost and Philosophy book.

26. Work of nonfiction?
Stiff, the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

27. Who is your favorite writer?

28. Who is the most overrated writer alive today?
Stephanie Myers, although good, Not as great as many believe her to be.

29. What is your desert island book?
Deathly Hallows

30. And... what are you reading right now?
The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie (mmmhm house can solve cases and write books), Outliers by Malcom Gladwell and The Treasure Chest Book by E Lockheart.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rest In Peace Justin

Sometimes life has a funny way of throwing stuff at you. Last night it occurred for me. I came home from spending the night with a friend and I went to check my facebook account because I'm a vain and obsessive compulsive teenager who need to know about everyone even if I don't talk to them.

Anyway I was checking facebook and I saw a common theme around many friends I went to elementary school with. See I moved after 6th grade and thanks to the magic of facebook I have been able to reconnect with many of them. Well one of the kids in our 'class' was stabbed to death last night. It's shocking and hard to imagine that a 19 year old can now not exist anymore. It's even worse when I think of him because he lived right down the street from me, I hung out with his sister all the time. The two of us carpooled to middle school together in the morning. I went to his house all the time, my brother hung out with him too.

It's hard for me to put my finger on him, he seemed like a trouble maker at the time, but I'd thought it would pass, I mean when you're ten trouble making can't be all that bad. I heard as time passed that he got into trouble with the police and it's just hard to imagine that he's not here anymore. Just gone.

It's worse to think that the person who stabbed him was his friends. They were fighting over cigarettes and I knew the kid who stabbed him from elementary school too.

Sometimes its hard to grow up and see these things happen. And its even worse to think I had a crush on both boys during my time in elementary school.

If anyone wants to read the article, here is the link and please leave Justin in your prayers, especially for his family.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back from the worldwin adventure that was Canada and New York. It was fun, my thirteen year old cousin tried to stalk and find guys who would be 'great' for me most of the cruise, with her mother, my grandmother and her other grandmother joining in on the fun. They asked so many questions like how tall, how they are built, and so on that I just gave non-comital shrugs of things. At one point they were like 'what about hair?' and I told them hair was a good thing to have. They burst out laughing. See generally I don't think I'm funny. I'm good at playing stupid so they had a blast at my dispense.

It was a semi-relaxing cruise. I ended up going to the gym to work out twice because all I did was eat. Things of food substance kept going in and I felt the waist getting larger and larger. When we landed in NYC it was hard to not grab any sort of food thinking it was free.

I saw Wicked at the Gershwen theater and it was AMAZING. I had the soundtrack to it and I listened to a couple songs, because it is one of those plays that you have to see first to understand the music but It was so uplifting and touching that it made me cry. I told my aunt that I could never live in NYC because I'd constantly be seeing plays and being broke. It was soo good.

But the trip was fun and a great end to the summer, this week is my last week with my friends and getting everything ready for school. Which I'm kind of looking forward to. So we'll see. I have to go shower now because I'm gross and I want to watch the Harry Potter musical.

See ya later!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

lazy lazy lazy

I had managed to make a calzone last night in the shape of a penis. Go me!

Oh my god do I not want to pack. I have to go to my grandmother's house in like two hours to help her pack clothes. Which I know is the good thing to do but seriously for the next two hours all I'll be doing is just repeating the words, yeah, mhhmmm, sure, over and over again.

And I still haven't started packing for myself. I mean I have two days left, but my other goals by friday is to finish the last two episodes of Lost, Watch as much brotherhood 2.o as possible (I've made it to may) and finish reading Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson. That is a busy schedule and important things to see.

I should probably get going, I have to go get my eyebrows done and return a pair of seasick braceletts because they are huge and ugly.

Monday, August 10, 2009

When I Procrastinate

I should really be, you know, productive around this time of the year. Simply put because I start classes again (Which I've just reconsiled with and am now ready to re-enter the science labs of Quinnipiac University) and I should be buying books, (which by the way, my anatomy book alone is $287. WHAT?! And my physics book is the one I used in High School).

I should even be packing, or starting too at least. Bring up the suitcase, figure out which bags I'm brining, get the million little accecories and make up essentials I'll need. But no I am sitting in my air condioned room on the hottest day/night of summer watching Vlogbrother videos and waiting for the new Jon and Kate Plus 8 episode to air.

I blame the fact that I have the whole week off from Friendly's. I told them to put me on until wednesday, so I could spend Thursday and Friday getting ready. But at this rate, I'll have all the 524 videos of the vlogbrothers watched for a second time. Oh god.

I just had to change the time stamp on my blogs, I was looking at my previous entry and it said I wrote it at nine at night, which was a lie because I got home at like midnight, luckily I fixed it and they have been changed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

sugar sugar sugarrr

There is nothing like being so high on life and on a sugar rush with some of your best friends.

My night consisted of locking a friend in the closet, dragging one across the floor, getting many different liquids on my pants, trying to start a fire, acting like immature 13 year old's where everything is dirty and spelling the word tool out, YMCA style to perform a dance.

I'm pretty sure that these are the moments that make life.

And now I am going to shower and pass out, to go to my last day of work in like 3 weeks, woot!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Usually by the time someone is 18 years old, they are ready to break free from their home and explore the vast and wonderful world of college, or working full time and living on their own. Living how they please with endless possibilities. Me, at 18 I was content at still living at home and going to a good school without having to pay $10,000 to live there. Now I'm not sure if I can handle another year of this. Maybe it's me, I think it has to do with my brother and parents too, but if I don't get out soon I am going to loose my mind.

I bring this up because my mom is constantly complaining about my brother and I not doing anything. Which is true to a degree. But the thing is, I'm young still. I don't want to waste the last year of being a teen cleaning the house and doing laundry when I could be out with my friends before they all leave for school. She has apparently lost all appathy for people who have friends and lives because she doesn't really have one besides working and see us.

That was a little mean, but she won't read it.

Anyway, I'm getting excited because I leave for my cruise to Canada in 8 days which is exciting. We're visitng Halifax and Saint John and then spending a few days in New York City. I get to see the play Wicked, which I am unbearably excited about. I've never been to a play, muchless one on Broadway. I'm looking forward to the cruise too, it'll be fun to be on a boat and see the towel animals they make. It'll be interesting too, since I'm going with my very conservative eighty-something grandmother who may or may not be a pain. I may just want to wander around the ship, and she'll probably freak out. Overall it will hopefully be a nice treat before classes start.

For now one of the last goals of summer is to rewatch all the vlogbrother videos. I just started before this blog and am now almost done with Janurary. Hopefully it will be a mission accomplished.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I was bored and looking around facebook when someone tagged two mutual friends in a picture, at first I thought it was one of those 'tag the friends that have certain qualities meme' that has taken over facebook. But it wasn't. It should the most 'stalkers' on the person's facebook.


The thing I like about facebook is that no one really knows what I'm doing, unless I post something on someone's wall. This application telling me who looks at my page the most would freak me out and verify the fact that no one looks at my profile.

I guess I'm the type of person who believes that if they don't see it, it doesn't happen. Showing me who looks at my profile the most just shrinks my whole on society and totally minimizes my comfort level a lot