So here comes the end of the summer, the fall chill is creeping about, which is a hundred percent true because today's high was like 66. But I feel the need to do one of those encompasing "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" posts. But before I dot I must mention the episode I tapped of Doctor Who had Barty Crouch and Barty Crouch Jr. in it! Win!
But in reality this has probably been one of the best summers ever. I worked as little as possible, hung out with my friends as much as possible and just had a great time.
May began in school, last weeks of class, finishing finals and then summer came. I basiclly bummed around for a few weeks with my friend Amy. We spent too much money on DVDs. My collection has mulitplied by like a ten-fold this summer alone. We did a lot of hiking. We traveled to sleeping giant, a mountian right next to my college where we took the hardest trail to the top, and I found out that I was an indoor child. I also decided one day during my usless hours spent driving around my town that I wanted to paint my room, so I got paint samples to put on the wall and wall paper remover. I started that project and it took up most of the summer when I finished almost in August.
Towards the end of May and the first two weeks of June, I spent it with my cousin and grandmother in Virginia. My Aunt was in Australia and Singapore for a business trip and she wanted me to come down and spend time with my cousin and keep my grandmother company. I basically lived the life of a retiree and read a lot, walked around the neighborhood, and had a persise and intricate TV schedule and lifestyle. Basically me looking at facebook every five seconds once I found a reliable but unsercure wireless. I hung out with teens and two adorable kids who were crazy and wild. Then I had to come back and face the reality of CT with the hopes of a trip to Canada in August, which seemed so far away at the time.
After my trip to Canada, I stayed home and bummed around some more, spending a lot of time at the local video rental store as my friend started dating a co-worker and befriending another one. I spent even more time taking down wallpaper with friends. One night my mom came home completely drunk and spent twenty mintues talking to me and my friend about how hot it was to take down wallpaper and how she was such a good friend. We'll still make fun of that night until we are old and senire. I painted a lot in July. I primed the walls, Painted the popcorn ceiling from hell and then painted the actual room. I hung out with my friends more, having an awesome forth of July party, meeting one of my best friend's friends from school. Roasting marshmellows, being incredibly stupid and just enjoying life. I went to Cape Cod for the first time with my friend and had a great time being a tourist and her showing me everything. I deleted all of my pictures off my camera before I put some on my laptop. I celebrated my 19 birthday playing mini-golf and going to dinner with friends. It was a good month.
August came too fast, which me still bumming around. My best friend was an orientation leader for her school for a week and a half so I didn't see her that ofter in the middle of July and my other friend pulled 40 hours a week too. I went on a cruise to Canada and had a spiffy time being a tourist and then spend 2 days in NYC being a tourist and seeing a great play Wicked. I hung out with friends more and enjoyed the last few precious days of summer. And here I am, already have said bye to two friends and getting ready for school in 2 days.
It wasn't as sad an scary as it was last year. I think the shock will hit my when I can't just call my friends and say lets go out and we obviously can't because of distance.
It was a fufilling summer and one I don't think I will ever forget. I don't want it to end because I want to be lazy forever. I just got an e-mail from my Anatomy lab professor and he's an MD PhD. Impressivley terrifying much?
It's funny though, there are three types of college kids. Those who want to go back right the minute they left (They enjoy the freedom, partying, new and awesome friends ect.) Those who don't ever want to go back (Too much drama, work, money ect.) And those in the middle. (A combo of the two). I like to think I'm the last type.
But in unrelated news I went to Justin's wake. It was the saddest thing I've ever been to. No Parent should have to bury their child, especailly at his age. I saw a lot of teachers I had in elementary school as well as a couple class mates. I hugged his parents and sister and told them how sorry I was. I told them Justin was an important part of my childhood and nothing would change that. It surreal and terrible and I cried while I was there and on my way home. It's still surreal to think he's gone, and it hits me from time to time. I hope his family is okay and they gain peace over the whole thing.
Anyway its late and I want to watch this episode of Doctor Who.
Night readers (the zero of you out there). Get ready for my sophomore year at college to come.
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