Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tid-Bits from my day

- Four consecutive hours of Anatomy related work is so incredibly tiring that I wanted to die today, I'm not sure if I will be able to handle an 8 to 12:15 period of Anatomy, but I'll try.

- Not having the internet is a very scary thing. Walking around campus, laptop in hands and internally cursing the devil, who controls the magic of wifi sometimes, is not a pleasant sight. I had to go to the help desk and also seceretly prayed (Not to the devil obviously, more so to baby Jesus or God) to just let it be the wireless at school, because i realized how much stuff I don't have saved onto external disks and such. Luckily it ended up working, maybe out of my praying, or all those high payed tech guys were able to figure it out.

- When one see's the head of the department of the major you're in, one gets flustered internally. The head of the Physical Therapy department walked into the computer help desk as I walked out feeling much better that it wasn't my computer that was all wonky. He said hello to me and I did the same to me. At least he recognized me, which is good. I then walked back to my home away from home (the Library), and saw my Physical Therapy adviser. She recognized me, which is good because I've seen her like three times in the past year.

-I want to duplicate these chairs in the library, they are amazing and comfortable and the only reason why I haven't passed out in them is because I've managed to procrastiate and read the Treasure map of Boys by E. Lockhart.

-And in about forty five minutes I have to go to a meeting to explore the deep nature of my leadership skillz. Go me.

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