It is of course the famous Jo Rowling's birthday today as well as Harry Potter's and like everyone else who has some opinion and idea on the internet, I am following suit by saying how much they mean to me, my life would be a lot duller and wonderful if my mom never pointed out those books to me about ten years ago.
It's funny because my parents and I went to eat at a local-ish ice cream parlor, and yes I spend my friday nights with my parents, I am so cool. But they normally have an icecream called Berry Potter, which I get because its inspired by HP. Sadly they did not have it today and I was going to eat it in their honor.
I did have a dream though that Jo came to my house and signed my books and I was able to take a picture with her. Someone in my dream was interviewing her and I started talking to her and she wanted to see my house for some reason. It felt so real that I almost went to check my HP books this morning, but I knew it could only be a dream.
If more of my dreams could be a reality then life would be great.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
I think they're crying anyway they can't mean no harm
Sally Sparrow I wrote you a letter to make you feel better
'bout the fact that I'm gone
I may be stuck in the past but my future is vast
don't go looking for me, girl, you've got to go on
I'm sitting in my living room watching the episode of Blink from Doctor Who, which is probably one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who, but the Shakespeare one comes a close second.
I feel like some people are good at blogging, able to spread their message across in simple and powerful words. Me, I feel I am rubbish at this. I can't write for crap, my vocabulary isn't as wide and diverse as others. My communications skills in speaking is even worse, my ablitly to talk what I feel is puncuated by words like "like, um, uh" and awkward silences. Communication has never been my strongest point when I have to say what I want to say. Meaningful things hardly ever come out of my mouth because it just sounds dumb. I guess its a good thing that I didn't major in English or Communications. I enjoy being quite and not having to worry about saying things.
But in completely unrealted news (See how terrible I am at transitions). My room is finally painted! All I have to do tomorrow after working and running errands is put everything away and throwing out the stuff I don't need. Pretty much my whole summer has consited of preparing my room to be painted and actually doing the painting. It's nice to see a change in it. My whole house is pretty much a boring white or shades of blue, so you go up the stairs, take a left and boom its a bright green and purple. My mom has told me its too much of an Easter color, my friends told me its the same colors as Baby Bop from Barney, only not as bold and more pastely.
I am truley going to miss this summer now that I think about it, sleeping in late, working as little as possible, driving on the endless roads of Southington at obsene hours of the night, late night fires involing silly string and flying marshmellows, getting out of Conneticut to Virginia, the Cape and to Canada soon. Just generally spending time with freinds that I love.
I really don't know how I'm going to handle them all leaving agian, I feel like we've all gotten so much closer since school ended. Like everyone leaving for a year and coming back didn't really change us, it just brought us closer with better stories to tell and things to do.
See, its getting a bit sappy. I have to go watch the rest of Doctor Who, shower and get ready for work tomorrow and then my room will be complete.
The world of time of space inside a funny blue box
the angles are approaching and the front door is locked.
So Don't Blink- Blink, Chameleon Circut
'bout the fact that I'm gone
I may be stuck in the past but my future is vast
don't go looking for me, girl, you've got to go on
I'm sitting in my living room watching the episode of Blink from Doctor Who, which is probably one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who, but the Shakespeare one comes a close second.
I feel like some people are good at blogging, able to spread their message across in simple and powerful words. Me, I feel I am rubbish at this. I can't write for crap, my vocabulary isn't as wide and diverse as others. My communications skills in speaking is even worse, my ablitly to talk what I feel is puncuated by words like "like, um, uh" and awkward silences. Communication has never been my strongest point when I have to say what I want to say. Meaningful things hardly ever come out of my mouth because it just sounds dumb. I guess its a good thing that I didn't major in English or Communications. I enjoy being quite and not having to worry about saying things.
But in completely unrealted news (See how terrible I am at transitions). My room is finally painted! All I have to do tomorrow after working and running errands is put everything away and throwing out the stuff I don't need. Pretty much my whole summer has consited of preparing my room to be painted and actually doing the painting. It's nice to see a change in it. My whole house is pretty much a boring white or shades of blue, so you go up the stairs, take a left and boom its a bright green and purple. My mom has told me its too much of an Easter color, my friends told me its the same colors as Baby Bop from Barney, only not as bold and more pastely.
I am truley going to miss this summer now that I think about it, sleeping in late, working as little as possible, driving on the endless roads of Southington at obsene hours of the night, late night fires involing silly string and flying marshmellows, getting out of Conneticut to Virginia, the Cape and to Canada soon. Just generally spending time with freinds that I love.
I really don't know how I'm going to handle them all leaving agian, I feel like we've all gotten so much closer since school ended. Like everyone leaving for a year and coming back didn't really change us, it just brought us closer with better stories to tell and things to do.
See, its getting a bit sappy. I have to go watch the rest of Doctor Who, shower and get ready for work tomorrow and then my room will be complete.
The world of time of space inside a funny blue box
the angles are approaching and the front door is locked.
So Don't Blink- Blink, Chameleon Circut
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I finished I am the messenger, which was a great and inspirational book. I currently have "Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are." as my facebook status. I want to read Getting the Girl next, but I am taking a large step and diving into classic literature.
Okay, well I'm not sure how classic Emma by Jane Austen is, but I read Pride and Prejudice in my sophomore year and liked it. So I hope I understand it. I'm already 150 pages in, but lets just say I stared it when I turned 16. Whoops. So instead of rereading it, I'm gonna sparknote the chapters I've already read.
Generally classics scare me because of the language and the fact that I usually have to read them in school so there is far to much discussion for me. This version of Emma is pretty terrifying because the chapters are numbered with roman numerals. I have always failed at that in school, so basically once I get to the L's, I'm lost
In other news I have an eight hour shift tomorrow of scooping icecream, whoo hoo! I gave up my Thursday shift because I really have to paint my ceiling in my room and that will take all day I have a feeling.
Oh and I've just begun watching the new Torchwood mini series. It's really good so far, I'm a little lost but I think I will understand in the end.
Well thats it, I gotta shower and probably read some of emma with some nice mint chocolate chip icecream, im such a fatty :)
Okay, well I'm not sure how classic Emma by Jane Austen is, but I read Pride and Prejudice in my sophomore year and liked it. So I hope I understand it. I'm already 150 pages in, but lets just say I stared it when I turned 16. Whoops. So instead of rereading it, I'm gonna sparknote the chapters I've already read.
Generally classics scare me because of the language and the fact that I usually have to read them in school so there is far to much discussion for me. This version of Emma is pretty terrifying because the chapters are numbered with roman numerals. I have always failed at that in school, so basically once I get to the L's, I'm lost
In other news I have an eight hour shift tomorrow of scooping icecream, whoo hoo! I gave up my Thursday shift because I really have to paint my ceiling in my room and that will take all day I have a feeling.
Oh and I've just begun watching the new Torchwood mini series. It's really good so far, I'm a little lost but I think I will understand in the end.
Well thats it, I gotta shower and probably read some of emma with some nice mint chocolate chip icecream, im such a fatty :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sometimes I am amazed at people, most of the time I stare at them with my "Are you sure you're not stupid" look. But when I look at the memories of my youth and young-ish teen years it's quite amazing how much I've change, and yet how similar I still am.
I think I was always a nerdy kid, playing with pokemon, being absolutly terrible at any type of sports, getting so sick of hearing the same question over and over again, "Why aren't you playing basketball?" All of these things, and the little things haven't changed, much. Obviously I'm not obsessed with pokemon anymore, although on a rare occassion I'll take out my Game Boy and stick in the dusty Pokemon Red. But overall my manerisms and characteristics haven't really changed. When I find something and I love it I will engage in it in a crazy obsessive manner. For example Harry Potter.
Even with my sense of music, I've been the type of girl who will listen to a cd or a couple of songs constantly, on repeat. My music history is so diverse and crazy that I laugh about it, from Britney Spears, to Green Day, Mamma Mia, Wizard Rock, and to crazy dance music that is popular today can be found on my ipod, with me singing along to every word, albeit badly.
It's just weird to think that I'm still me from pre teenagehood. But I think there's so much that has changed too. I'm more outgoing than my 11 year old self. My best friend likes to make fun of me for this, saying it took me a whole 6 months for me to open up to her. I do agree, I'm more adventerous now and more rash and stupid too. A little late in teenage year but whatever. I am a little stronger now, intelectually and emotionaly. My tolerance for stupid acts and drama has decreased but I'm not a quite kid and will now tell you if a person bothers me.
I also thought I'd be so afraid to move out on my own, but now that I'm 19 I am almost relishing the idea that I can move out sometime soon. My friends worry that when I do things I never ease myself into the prossess. But I've always figured you might as well jump, life doesn't happen gradually so I shouldn't go against nature.
It's just nice to think that I never had any of those crazy mood swings as a teen, from being all emo to a preppy cheerleader or something. Not that thats a bad thing, but I don't think that would work for me.
And I've realized I'm still absolute crap at writing, Oh well.
I think I was always a nerdy kid, playing with pokemon, being absolutly terrible at any type of sports, getting so sick of hearing the same question over and over again, "Why aren't you playing basketball?" All of these things, and the little things haven't changed, much. Obviously I'm not obsessed with pokemon anymore, although on a rare occassion I'll take out my Game Boy and stick in the dusty Pokemon Red. But overall my manerisms and characteristics haven't really changed. When I find something and I love it I will engage in it in a crazy obsessive manner. For example Harry Potter.
Even with my sense of music, I've been the type of girl who will listen to a cd or a couple of songs constantly, on repeat. My music history is so diverse and crazy that I laugh about it, from Britney Spears, to Green Day, Mamma Mia, Wizard Rock, and to crazy dance music that is popular today can be found on my ipod, with me singing along to every word, albeit badly.
It's just weird to think that I'm still me from pre teenagehood. But I think there's so much that has changed too. I'm more outgoing than my 11 year old self. My best friend likes to make fun of me for this, saying it took me a whole 6 months for me to open up to her. I do agree, I'm more adventerous now and more rash and stupid too. A little late in teenage year but whatever. I am a little stronger now, intelectually and emotionaly. My tolerance for stupid acts and drama has decreased but I'm not a quite kid and will now tell you if a person bothers me.
I also thought I'd be so afraid to move out on my own, but now that I'm 19 I am almost relishing the idea that I can move out sometime soon. My friends worry that when I do things I never ease myself into the prossess. But I've always figured you might as well jump, life doesn't happen gradually so I shouldn't go against nature.
It's just nice to think that I never had any of those crazy mood swings as a teen, from being all emo to a preppy cheerleader or something. Not that thats a bad thing, but I don't think that would work for me.
And I've realized I'm still absolute crap at writing, Oh well.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
My birthday has been good overall, just being silly and immature. I first decided it would be a good idea to prime my walls in my room. I've decided its is time to get rid the ugly wallpaper and its taking forever. I finished stripping it of wallpaper (oo err) plastering and sanding it, and its all primed. Tomorrow I get to venture out to the paintstore and get oil based paint to get rid of it, but now im wondering if i should just take the popcorn down if possible.
of My best friends and I spent an hour looking for a new mini golf place on a local turnpike. We spent the time going up and down the busy turnpike, looking around trying to figure out where it was in relation to other stores. The golfing was fun, I was crappy. But then we enjoyed ourself by poking fun at a hole that was the shape of a penis. Hilariosity ensued, and my maturity level decreased minute by minute. We then when to dinner, where i spent the night flinging little rolled up balls of straw paper at my friend with my fork as a make shift catapult.
Overall it was fun, and now I'm going to watch the rest of Doctor Who and probably go to bed.
of My best friends and I spent an hour looking for a new mini golf place on a local turnpike. We spent the time going up and down the busy turnpike, looking around trying to figure out where it was in relation to other stores. The golfing was fun, I was crappy. But then we enjoyed ourself by poking fun at a hole that was the shape of a penis. Hilariosity ensued, and my maturity level decreased minute by minute. We then when to dinner, where i spent the night flinging little rolled up balls of straw paper at my friend with my fork as a make shift catapult.
Overall it was fun, and now I'm going to watch the rest of Doctor Who and probably go to bed.
Monday, July 13, 2009
questionarire time!
I hate plaster, and paint and dust and radiators that are not properly affixed to the wall. Sigh. So I'm going to do this instead!
All time favorite character?
Fred and George? They're one character in my mind.
List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Deathly Hallows
2. Half Blood Prince
3. Prisoner of Azkaban
4.Sorcerer's Stone
5. Goblet of Fire
6. Order of the Phoenix
7. Chamber of Secrets
List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1.Goblet of Fire
2. Sorcerer' Stone
3. Prisoner of Azkban
4. Order of the Phoenix
5. Chamber of Secerts
Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
URgh I can't decide, but top three in no order is the Price's tale, The Flaw in the Plan and the Silver Doe
Top 5 favorite characters?
1. Fred and George
2. Ron
3. Snape
4. Harry
5. Hermione
Five least favorite characters?
1. Umbridge
2. Percy
3. Filch
4. Bagman
5. Fudge
Favorite member of the Golden Trio?
Favorite family?
Weasleys. Blacks are second. Malfoys are third
Favorite antagonist?
Favorite Death Eater?
Snape. But since he's a semi fake Belltarix
Three favorite spells?
Expecto Patronum
Three favorite potions?
Polyjuice Potion
Felix Felicis
Draught of Peace
Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
Weasley's Wizarding Weezes
Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes
Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
The Imperius Curse
Favorite mode of wizard transportation?
Favorite Weasley?
Favorite Order Member?
Favorite DA Member?
Favorite pet?
Favorite Hogwarts room?
The Room of Requirement.
Favorite Hogwarts Professor?
Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
Sir Nick
Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?
Favorite House Elf?
Favorite Wizard sweet?
choclate frogs, in fact i just got some!
Favorite canon couple?
Ron and Hermione
Favorite non-canon couple?
Neville and Luna.
General Opinions
Biggest surprise of the series?C
Cedric's death
Biggest letdown of the series?
The Epilogue, I liked it. I just wanted more
One character you wish lived?
Fred, Snape, Dumbledore
Moment that will always make you cry?
Deathly Hallows like the entire book, well mostly the end
Your Patronus would be___?
A giraffe? If thats possible. If not probably a deer
Three things Amortentia would smell like to you.
Old Paper, crayons and probably a guyish sent
You would use Felix Felicis to___?
probably pass a test or something or just a random day
Job you would most like to try?
Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
R/Hr all the way
James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
James and Lily
Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
Um no. I could find it fast though
Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
Really? Is this a legit question
Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theatres?
Yes! For the first time at midnight!
Do you own the books/movies?
multiple versions of the books and all the movies
Have you ever played any of the video games?
yup, own them alll.
Don't they kind of suck?
the first like 4 did, I liked the last two because I just walk around hogwarts and take out other students
Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
Of course
How about a rat?
I hate creepy crawly things
Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
yes, own all 5
Which house would you want to be in?
Probably Ravenclaw.
Do you like Draco?
Yes, moreso in the later books because hes more complicated and interesting.
Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
probably not
Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
well there seems to be no other banks in the wizarding world so yes
What class would be your favorite?
Probably Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and DADA. haha I like school
Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
of course
Omg t-minus one day until i see HP6 with krista and TOK!
All time favorite character?
Fred and George? They're one character in my mind.
List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Deathly Hallows
2. Half Blood Prince
3. Prisoner of Azkaban
4.Sorcerer's Stone
5. Goblet of Fire
6. Order of the Phoenix
7. Chamber of Secrets
List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1.Goblet of Fire
2. Sorcerer' Stone
3. Prisoner of Azkban
4. Order of the Phoenix
5. Chamber of Secerts
Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
URgh I can't decide, but top three in no order is the Price's tale, The Flaw in the Plan and the Silver Doe
Top 5 favorite characters?
1. Fred and George
2. Ron
3. Snape
4. Harry
5. Hermione
Five least favorite characters?
1. Umbridge
2. Percy
3. Filch
4. Bagman
5. Fudge
Favorite member of the Golden Trio?
Favorite family?
Weasleys. Blacks are second. Malfoys are third
Favorite antagonist?
Favorite Death Eater?
Snape. But since he's a semi fake Belltarix
Three favorite spells?
Expecto Patronum
Three favorite potions?
Polyjuice Potion
Felix Felicis
Draught of Peace
Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
Weasley's Wizarding Weezes
Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes
Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
The Imperius Curse
Favorite mode of wizard transportation?
Favorite Weasley?
Favorite Order Member?
Favorite DA Member?
Favorite pet?
Favorite Hogwarts room?
The Room of Requirement.
Favorite Hogwarts Professor?
Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
Sir Nick
Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?
Favorite House Elf?
Favorite Wizard sweet?
choclate frogs, in fact i just got some!
Favorite canon couple?
Ron and Hermione
Favorite non-canon couple?
Neville and Luna.
General Opinions
Biggest surprise of the series?C
Cedric's death
Biggest letdown of the series?
The Epilogue, I liked it. I just wanted more
One character you wish lived?
Fred, Snape, Dumbledore
Moment that will always make you cry?
Deathly Hallows like the entire book, well mostly the end
Your Patronus would be___?
A giraffe? If thats possible. If not probably a deer
Three things Amortentia would smell like to you.
Old Paper, crayons and probably a guyish sent
You would use Felix Felicis to___?
probably pass a test or something or just a random day
Job you would most like to try?
Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
R/Hr all the way
James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
James and Lily
Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
Um no. I could find it fast though
Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
Really? Is this a legit question
Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theatres?
Yes! For the first time at midnight!
Do you own the books/movies?
multiple versions of the books and all the movies
Have you ever played any of the video games?
yup, own them alll.
Don't they kind of suck?
the first like 4 did, I liked the last two because I just walk around hogwarts and take out other students
Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
Of course
How about a rat?
I hate creepy crawly things
Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
yes, own all 5
Which house would you want to be in?
Probably Ravenclaw.
Do you like Draco?
Yes, moreso in the later books because hes more complicated and interesting.
Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
probably not
Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
well there seems to be no other banks in the wizarding world so yes
What class would be your favorite?
Probably Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and DADA. haha I like school
Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
of course
Omg t-minus one day until i see HP6 with krista and TOK!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Yes, its been over a month since last posting, but whatever. I have been busy-ish. The friend dilema mentioned in the last post has smoothed over. She is currently dating him, and I have approved/gave my blessing on the relationship if that makes any sense. I know the guy more now and get his manerisms and such. My freind is just really happy with the guy and that makes me happy.
On to other things. I went to the cape this week. I had a lot of fun having my friend show me around all the good things about the cape. I went to proviencetown, the unoffical gay capital of the east coast and saw many gay men and lots of pretty jewlery and such.
See? We saw that on the way home. I sat on a beach, got burnt and more freckles. kayacked and feel over into the water due to loosing feeling in my legs. It was fun and I'm not ready to go back to work.
In even unrealted news I'm sitting on the flor watching my favorite harry potter movie with edward cullen and the doctor and all the others i love dearly. I am on the floor because my room is a mess. I just finished taking down the walpaper from my walls and now have to plaster everything. god i hate it
On to other things. I went to the cape this week. I had a lot of fun having my friend show me around all the good things about the cape. I went to proviencetown, the unoffical gay capital of the east coast and saw many gay men and lots of pretty jewlery and such.
In even unrealted news I'm sitting on the flor watching my favorite harry potter movie with edward cullen and the doctor and all the others i love dearly. I am on the floor because my room is a mess. I just finished taking down the walpaper from my walls and now have to plaster everything. god i hate it
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