Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I finished I am the messenger, which was a great and inspirational book. I currently have "Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are." as my facebook status. I want to read Getting the Girl next, but I am taking a large step and diving into classic literature.
Okay, well I'm not sure how classic Emma by Jane Austen is, but I read Pride and Prejudice in my sophomore year and liked it. So I hope I understand it. I'm already 150 pages in, but lets just say I stared it when I turned 16. Whoops. So instead of rereading it, I'm gonna sparknote the chapters I've already read.

Generally classics scare me because of the language and the fact that I usually have to read them in school so there is far to much discussion for me. This version of Emma is pretty terrifying because the chapters are numbered with roman numerals. I have always failed at that in school, so basically once I get to the L's, I'm lost
In other news I have an eight hour shift tomorrow of scooping icecream, whoo hoo! I gave up my Thursday shift because I really have to paint my ceiling in my room and that will take all day I have a feeling.

Oh and I've just begun watching the new Torchwood mini series. It's really good so far, I'm a little lost but I think I will understand in the end.

Well thats it, I gotta shower and probably read some of emma with some nice mint chocolate chip icecream, im such a fatty :)

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