Monday, July 13, 2009

questionarire time!

I hate plaster, and paint and dust and radiators that are not properly affixed to the wall. Sigh. So I'm going to do this instead!

All time favorite character?
Fred and George? They're one character in my mind.

List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Deathly Hallows
2. Half Blood Prince
3. Prisoner of Azkaban
4.Sorcerer's Stone
5. Goblet of Fire
6. Order of the Phoenix
7. Chamber of Secrets

List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.

1.Goblet of Fire
2. Sorcerer' Stone
3. Prisoner of Azkban
4. Order of the Phoenix
5. Chamber of Secerts

Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
URgh I can't decide, but top three in no order is the Price's tale, The Flaw in the Plan and the Silver Doe

Top 5 favorite characters?
1. Fred and George
2. Ron
3. Snape
4. Harry
5. Hermione

Five least favorite characters?
1. Umbridge
2. Percy
3. Filch
4. Bagman
5. Fudge

Favorite member of the Golden Trio?

Favorite family?
Weasleys. Blacks are second. Malfoys are third

Favorite antagonist?

Favorite Death Eater?
Snape. But since he's a semi fake Belltarix

Three favorite spells?
Expecto Patronum

Three favorite potions?
Polyjuice Potion
Felix Felicis
Draught of Peace

Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
Weasley's Wizarding Weezes

Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes

Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?

Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
The Imperius Curse

Favorite mode of wizard transportation?

Favorite Weasley?

Favorite Order Member?

Favorite DA Member?

Favorite pet?

Favorite Hogwarts room?
The Room of Requirement.

Favorite Hogwarts Professor?

Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
Sir Nick

Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?

Favorite House Elf?

Favorite Wizard sweet?
choclate frogs, in fact i just got some!

Favorite canon couple?
Ron and Hermione

Favorite non-canon couple?
Neville and Luna.

General Opinions

Biggest surprise of the series?C
Cedric's death

Biggest letdown of the series?
The Epilogue, I liked it. I just wanted more

One character you wish lived?
Fred, Snape, Dumbledore

Moment that will always make you cry?
Deathly Hallows like the entire book, well mostly the end

Your Patronus would be___?
A giraffe? If thats possible. If not probably a deer

Three things Amortentia would smell like to you.
Old Paper, crayons and probably a guyish sent

You would use Felix Felicis to___?
probably pass a test or something or just a random day

Job you would most like to try?

Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
R/Hr all the way

James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
James and Lily

Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
Um no. I could find it fast though

Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
Really? Is this a legit question

Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theatres?
Yes! For the first time at midnight!

Do you own the books/movies?
multiple versions of the books and all the movies

Have you ever played any of the video games?
yup, own them alll.

Don't they kind of suck?
the first like 4 did, I liked the last two because I just walk around hogwarts and take out other students

Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
Of course

How about a rat?
I hate creepy crawly things

Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
yes, own all 5

Which house would you want to be in?
Probably Ravenclaw.

Do you like Draco?
Yes, moreso in the later books because hes more complicated and interesting.

Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
probably not

Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
well there seems to be no other banks in the wizarding world so yes

What class would be your favorite?
Probably Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and DADA. haha I like school

Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
of course

Omg t-minus one day until i see HP6 with krista and TOK!

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