Yes I forgot to post agian yesterday, and yes this is the last beda blog, and its a little sad but a little not. I don't have an interesting life....until today!
Now first off let me say that I am amused by the littlest things and you'll see So I was driving on the highway today to go to class, when I was going through the shuffle setting on my ipod. Generally I do this because I am too lazy to look for the songs I want and it is unsafe to look through all the music on my ipod while driving around 70mph. I get to a good song, 'Hey Jude'. Now I am a big Beatles fan, love their songs and everything about them. So I'm singing along, and switching lanes to get onto the junction i need to go towards my college when i look up, and there, in front of me, is a car with a license plate that reads Hey Jude. HOW REDICUOULS IS THAT?!
Seriously though it made my day.
Sorry if this month og blogging has been boring and just me ranting. School has been stressful, and luckily I only have less than a week left! My schedual for next year is all fixed and I am hopefully going to do okay in all of my classes, except for calc. Oh that's why I didn't blog yesterday. I was up until 2am doing hw and stuff and just decided to pass out rather than write nonsense that made no sense.
So this has been a portion of my life, exciting eh? Well whats more exciting is that I am going to my last Tuesday Thursday classes of my freshman year very very shortly :).
And plus, I only missed 3 blogs. I am a busy girl what can I say ;)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I wish i had interesting things to say as this beda thing winds down, but i don't. Its like opposites. It's finals next week so I'm pretty much doing all the leftover work around and staying up late procrastinating.
i think this would have been more fun if people read this blog, I mean that's the cool part about it. All the blogs that I generally read are people from YouTube and stuff. I am not from there, I jumped on the vlogging bandwagon way to late and now am kind of stuck in the middle. The nerdfighter, YouTuber, harry potter fan, that loves the community she's a part of, but is not up there like others. People don't know me online. I am just a creepy stalker who reads other people's blogs wishing people found me more interesting, or that I was more eloquent, or that I knew how to make YouTube videos. You'd think it would be easy with the communities I like. I mean they are big, but compared to most they are relatively small.
Anyone know how to work widows movie maker? Maybe I'll start. probably not though.
okay last minute studying and going to bed. night!
i think this would have been more fun if people read this blog, I mean that's the cool part about it. All the blogs that I generally read are people from YouTube and stuff. I am not from there, I jumped on the vlogging bandwagon way to late and now am kind of stuck in the middle. The nerdfighter, YouTuber, harry potter fan, that loves the community she's a part of, but is not up there like others. People don't know me online. I am just a creepy stalker who reads other people's blogs wishing people found me more interesting, or that I was more eloquent, or that I knew how to make YouTube videos. You'd think it would be easy with the communities I like. I mean they are big, but compared to most they are relatively small.
Anyone know how to work widows movie maker? Maybe I'll start. probably not though.
okay last minute studying and going to bed. night!
Monday, April 27, 2009
I love that I am such a bad reader. And I say this because everyone has heard once you know how to read you just look for key letters that are in a word and you can figure it out. Well, I've have two stupid grammar moments in the past day and a half. The first word was botch, when I saw it I thought it was the word Biotch, as in, you know bitch. But I was wrong. Just now I checked CNN to see whats shakin' in the world and I swear I thought it said something along of the lines of 'nonsensical travel to Mexico'. Of course I had to look at the word again and realized I am such a tool and it was nonessential. Go me!
Okay so I was also on Facebook, I am always on facebook, its like a drug, and I found more funny ads in the sidebar, and i found this jewel:
First of all I find it funny because someone is trying to recruit people to be a fan of Jesus? Really facebook, you cease to amaze me. And second is the bottom one, at first I thought it said normal connecticut, which is cool. But then I was like "Why is there a weed symbol in the middle?" apparently this group wants weed to be legal in CT. I am kind of offended, I don't know if its aimed to my demographic because I live in CT, or because facebook thinks I'm a stoner....
Oh its my friend's birthday today too, so i basicly left her a message on facebook by popping poppers at a camera, it was fun.
alright i still have a ton of homework to do, see you tomorrow!
Okay so I was also on Facebook, I am always on facebook, its like a drug, and I found more funny ads in the sidebar, and i found this jewel:

Oh its my friend's birthday today too, so i basicly left her a message on facebook by popping poppers at a camera, it was fun.
alright i still have a ton of homework to do, see you tomorrow!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Opps, missed another day. I knew this was going to happen, right when I get down to the last week of classes at school I forget to pay attention to my blog. But really again there is nothing interesting going on. I spent money today and confused the word tractor with trailer. Which makes sense if you put them together. And now i realized that I still have a ton of stuff to do tonight, so night yall!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Yeah I didn't blog yesterday, I was too busy studying and passed out and forgot. Story of my life. I mean really nothing interesting has happened in the last 2 days besides the study, sleep, school, eat something, homework cycle. Oh wait thats a lie I went to work and ate TONS of food. I had carrot cake for breakfast, and then they had a catered lunch for staff appreciation day or whatever which they made me eat before i left. so that was unusual.
I just got into a huge argument with my brother about work, which is the worst when you work at the same place, but honestly i don't care. If he stepped up and took off the days that he needed and not needed me to do his dirty work he wouldn't get in such sticky situation. You snooze you loose. In fact I felt my eardrum pusling because of that conversation.
Whatever, I really don't have the energy or effort to care anymore.
Totally random, but there are things i really don't understand about life, like on facebook why someone pretty much takes pictures of themselves. Like I want to see 209 pictures of just you when im bored online. no thanks.
I just got into a huge argument with my brother about work, which is the worst when you work at the same place, but honestly i don't care. If he stepped up and took off the days that he needed and not needed me to do his dirty work he wouldn't get in such sticky situation. You snooze you loose. In fact I felt my eardrum pusling because of that conversation.
Whatever, I really don't have the energy or effort to care anymore.
Totally random, but there are things i really don't understand about life, like on facebook why someone pretty much takes pictures of themselves. Like I want to see 209 pictures of just you when im bored online. no thanks.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
So I am sometimes baffled by the world I live in, well thats a lie I am usually baffled. Like for instance when is it smart to walk on a very busy Connecticut highway? Now I know you're thinking its impossible for Connecticut to be busy, but trust me dear reader it can be. A couple days ago I saw a guy walking on the the sides of the highway where you usally pull over for emergency stopping. Really? Like you could get hit by a car thats going 70+ miles.
The other thing that baffles me is those little signs people put in their yard. Now normally they're advertisements or vote so-and-so to make your life better, but I saw one this morning while driving to school that sad something along the lines of underage drinking and with use of 'web slang' aka, R instead of are, U instead of you. REALLY? IS AMERICAN TEENAGERS SO DUMB YOU HAVE TO USE INTERNET SPEAK TO GET THEIR ATTENTION? Know I know I used those cool little shortcuts when I was like 11, but come on, you gotta learn how to type fast enought and constantly using those slangs will get you know where fast, trust me, im pretty sure I've seen kids due that during my lifetime in public schools.
Generally I don't care about sentence structure and all that crap, I'm bad at it, but really people?
Another quick note I want to say here is the fact that I am afraid for the future. Like, not just "will i get out of college? Will I have a job? Will I get married and have children?" sort of worries, like will there be a plant in 10 years? We're learning about the ecology of the earth and I'm pretty sure that if we don't fix it soon we're all screwed.
Oh tours are being given right now in the library, its that time of year agian. A bunch of young girls who look lost and confused as they oggle at every male adult on campus. Oh life.
The other thing that baffles me is those little signs people put in their yard. Now normally they're advertisements or vote so-and-so to make your life better, but I saw one this morning while driving to school that sad something along the lines of underage drinking and with use of 'web slang' aka, R instead of are, U instead of you. REALLY? IS AMERICAN TEENAGERS SO DUMB YOU HAVE TO USE INTERNET SPEAK TO GET THEIR ATTENTION? Know I know I used those cool little shortcuts when I was like 11, but come on, you gotta learn how to type fast enought and constantly using those slangs will get you know where fast, trust me, im pretty sure I've seen kids due that during my lifetime in public schools.
Generally I don't care about sentence structure and all that crap, I'm bad at it, but really people?
Another quick note I want to say here is the fact that I am afraid for the future. Like, not just "will i get out of college? Will I have a job? Will I get married and have children?" sort of worries, like will there be a plant in 10 years? We're learning about the ecology of the earth and I'm pretty sure that if we don't fix it soon we're all screwed.
Oh tours are being given right now in the library, its that time of year agian. A bunch of young girls who look lost and confused as they oggle at every male adult on campus. Oh life.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
So I figure today would be important to mention the fact that columbine happened ten years ago today. Which is scary because where has the time gone?
I was only nine when the shooting happened, I vaguely remember seeing it one the television when I came home from school because my grandmother and dad were watching it. It's almost like my memory of watching the funeral of Princess Diana, I know I watched it but I can't remember it at all. I do remember because of that by the time i was in fourth or fifth grade they made all of us use plastic backpacks because of the fear of it happening again. I think its a lot more real to me because of the fact that I am in college and finished high school, that there could be so many times where that could have happened, kids just snap. Teenagers are cruel, everyone is overanalyzed based on who there with, what they do, and how they act. It's really sad. It's just scary that these things are possible in the world.
On a totally unrelated note, I have to get this work done so I can go home and strip my bead because i've been sleeping in it so long that my face is breaking out. Gross.
BYE! See ya tomiorrow!
I was only nine when the shooting happened, I vaguely remember seeing it one the television when I came home from school because my grandmother and dad were watching it. It's almost like my memory of watching the funeral of Princess Diana, I know I watched it but I can't remember it at all. I do remember because of that by the time i was in fourth or fifth grade they made all of us use plastic backpacks because of the fear of it happening again. I think its a lot more real to me because of the fact that I am in college and finished high school, that there could be so many times where that could have happened, kids just snap. Teenagers are cruel, everyone is overanalyzed based on who there with, what they do, and how they act. It's really sad. It's just scary that these things are possible in the world.
On a totally unrelated note, I have to get this work done so I can go home and strip my bead because i've been sleeping in it so long that my face is breaking out. Gross.
BYE! See ya tomiorrow!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Again, no idea what to write about here, I wish I had exciting and interesting thigns to say about my day, but I just worked and delt with obnoxious and annoying coworkers and customers, and went to eat with a friend. I keep checking the same six sites or so to see if there is any new updates, my chemistry hw is half done, with the rest of it being problems i have no idea how to answer or solve. Such a boring life.
so yeah.
so yeah.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Nothing like spending a Saturday night doing chem hw and possibly math hw. I have such an exciting life!
But really I have nothing else to talk about, so another memo from facebook as a tiny break before i finish my chem hw:
1. Name one song that reminds you of an ex/former crush?
There's no particular song.
2. Where was your default pic taken (On Facebook)?
Panthorn Park, with the coolest people ever.
3. What's your middle name?
4. Care about someone?
A fair amount of people
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
No, I really don't have a 'crush', just lots of eyecandy.
6. What is your current mood?
tired. But then again I am always tired.
7.What color underwear are you wearing?
8. What makes you happy?
lots of things that i don't feel like typing up.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would you change?
I would work harder in school and probably be more outgoing/emotionally strong
12. Something you do a lot?
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
I had Right Round stuck in my head for a good part of today thanks to Nicole
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
16. When was the last time you cried?
Um friday, I was frustrated about calculus
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
If you consider large about 6 of my friends then yes.
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
To become invisible
20. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Um, their face? I honestly don't get these types of questions since I look at the face first and if its generally good looking I'm happy. I try not to stare at people for too long, it can get awkward.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I get something different every time.
22. Favorite colors?
I like lots of colors.
24. When was the last time you lied?
Friday, I said I didn't want to work someone's shift b/c I was going out, when in reality I read the text wrong at 7am.
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
yes, only the good ones though.
27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
28. Do you speak any other language?
Only stupid.
29. What's your favorite smell?
I like lots of smells, not one in particular thats my favorite
30. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
33. What are you thinking about right now?
How I should be doing hw
34. What should you be doing?
Showering and hw/
35. What was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
Um, my mom probably for some stupid reason
37. Do you like working in the yard?
38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want it to be?
Um, I don't know
39. Do you act differently around a crush?
40. What are you listening to right now?
1. Are you currently mad at someone? no
2. Which family member has the worst temper? we all do
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone's face? no
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? probably
5. When you're mad do you prefer to keep to it yourself? yeah
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? No
2. If you won a million $'s what would be your first thoughts be? Pay of loans and travel
3. If you could have anything right now, what would it be? For freshmen year to be over, and me doing really well in my classes
1. Where were you born? Waterbury
2. What's your main goal in life? to be happy
3. Do you want to have children? Yeah, eventually
4. How do you want to die? Preferably old and in the least painful way possible.
1. Do you have a crush? not really
2. Who is the best hugger? haven't found one yet
3. Love at first sight? I don't know
1. Person you saw not in your family? Friendly's crew
2. Person you hugged? Krista, or Lindsay
3. Movie watched? Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
1. Bought something? yes, mainly food and gas
2. Gotten sick? no
3. Been hugged? yes?
4. Felt stupid? plenty of times
5. Missed someone? yess
6. Failed a test? yes :[
1. Do you want to get married? Yeah.
2. What kind of house do you want? preferably one with a roof
1. Shaved your head bald? no
2. Taken over an hour to get ready? Probably
3. Gone to jail? No.
1. Continue using the computer? maybe
2. Hang out with someone today? no
4. Go to school? Monday
1. Rain or snow? Rain.
2. Summer or Winter? Summer.
3. Text messaging or AIM? AIM
4. McDonalds or A&W? McDonald's. Plus I've never been to A&W.
5. Movies or shows? depends.
1. Said "I Love you"? Mhm.
2. Given money to a homeless person? no
4. Waited all night for a phone call?no i am a fan of sleeping and not a fan of talking on the phone
5. Snuck out? no
6. Have you ever looked at the stars? Mhmm.
7. Sleep in a bed with a person of the same sex? Yeah
9. Stolen money from a Friend? No way.
10. Seen someone die? No.
11. Been on an airplane? Yes.
12. Slept all day? A few times.
13. Missed someone so much it hurt? No
14. Fallen asleep during school? no
15. Been lonely? Sure.
16. Cheated at a game? No
17. Been in a car accident? yeah
18. Had detention? no
19. Been so happy you cried? Mhmm.
21. Regretted loving someone? No.
see ya tomorrow!
But really I have nothing else to talk about, so another memo from facebook as a tiny break before i finish my chem hw:
1. Name one song that reminds you of an ex/former crush?
There's no particular song.
2. Where was your default pic taken (On Facebook)?
Panthorn Park, with the coolest people ever.
3. What's your middle name?
4. Care about someone?
A fair amount of people
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
No, I really don't have a 'crush', just lots of eyecandy.
6. What is your current mood?
tired. But then again I am always tired.
7.What color underwear are you wearing?
8. What makes you happy?
lots of things that i don't feel like typing up.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would you change?
I would work harder in school and probably be more outgoing/emotionally strong
12. Something you do a lot?
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
I had Right Round stuck in my head for a good part of today thanks to Nicole
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
16. When was the last time you cried?
Um friday, I was frustrated about calculus
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
If you consider large about 6 of my friends then yes.
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
To become invisible
20. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Um, their face? I honestly don't get these types of questions since I look at the face first and if its generally good looking I'm happy. I try not to stare at people for too long, it can get awkward.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I get something different every time.
22. Favorite colors?
I like lots of colors.
24. When was the last time you lied?
Friday, I said I didn't want to work someone's shift b/c I was going out, when in reality I read the text wrong at 7am.
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
yes, only the good ones though.
27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
28. Do you speak any other language?
Only stupid.
29. What's your favorite smell?
I like lots of smells, not one in particular thats my favorite
30. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
33. What are you thinking about right now?
How I should be doing hw
34. What should you be doing?
Showering and hw/
35. What was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
Um, my mom probably for some stupid reason
37. Do you like working in the yard?
38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want it to be?
Um, I don't know
39. Do you act differently around a crush?
40. What are you listening to right now?
1. Are you currently mad at someone? no
2. Which family member has the worst temper? we all do
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone's face? no
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? probably
5. When you're mad do you prefer to keep to it yourself? yeah
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? No
2. If you won a million $'s what would be your first thoughts be? Pay of loans and travel
3. If you could have anything right now, what would it be? For freshmen year to be over, and me doing really well in my classes
1. Where were you born? Waterbury
2. What's your main goal in life? to be happy
3. Do you want to have children? Yeah, eventually
4. How do you want to die? Preferably old and in the least painful way possible.
1. Do you have a crush? not really
2. Who is the best hugger? haven't found one yet
3. Love at first sight? I don't know
1. Person you saw not in your family? Friendly's crew
2. Person you hugged? Krista, or Lindsay
3. Movie watched? Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
1. Bought something? yes, mainly food and gas
2. Gotten sick? no
3. Been hugged? yes?
4. Felt stupid? plenty of times
5. Missed someone? yess
6. Failed a test? yes :[
1. Do you want to get married? Yeah.
2. What kind of house do you want? preferably one with a roof
1. Shaved your head bald? no
2. Taken over an hour to get ready? Probably
3. Gone to jail? No.
1. Continue using the computer? maybe
2. Hang out with someone today? no
4. Go to school? Monday
1. Rain or snow? Rain.
2. Summer or Winter? Summer.
3. Text messaging or AIM? AIM
4. McDonalds or A&W? McDonald's. Plus I've never been to A&W.
5. Movies or shows? depends.
1. Said "I Love you"? Mhm.
2. Given money to a homeless person? no
4. Waited all night for a phone call?no i am a fan of sleeping and not a fan of talking on the phone
5. Snuck out? no
6. Have you ever looked at the stars? Mhmm.
7. Sleep in a bed with a person of the same sex? Yeah
9. Stolen money from a Friend? No way.
10. Seen someone die? No.
11. Been on an airplane? Yes.
12. Slept all day? A few times.
13. Missed someone so much it hurt? No
14. Fallen asleep during school? no
15. Been lonely? Sure.
16. Cheated at a game? No
17. Been in a car accident? yeah
18. Had detention? no
19. Been so happy you cried? Mhmm.
21. Regretted loving someone? No.
see ya tomorrow!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Nothing like a night of watching Lost and finishing Paper Towns rather then doing all the work that needs to get done. But today was long, and annoying.
Mostly it centered around the fact that I am pretty much frustrated with my life right now. I mean I shouldn't be, but I am. There's too much to do and not enough time for me to enjoy myself. I'm stressed out about work and school, and stressed that I stress over the most trivial and stupid things that shouldn't bother me. I am frustrated with my parents, who never see my side of the argument, and let my brother do whatever he wants and has no responsibility for himself or anyone else, whereas when I was 16 I had a lot more to worry about.
And I think the main part of this frustration is that I should have experienced this stuff ages ago, well okay maybe not ages, but like 2 of 3 years ago. I think that's the problem with kids who mature faster then others and never really go through that 'rebellion stage', they kind of blow up in the last years of adolescence.
You know whats uncool, when people put pictures of the tattoos and piercings they have. Really? I don't want to know you have 34 piercing all over your body and six tattoos with plans for more. No thanks.
see you tomorrow.
Mostly it centered around the fact that I am pretty much frustrated with my life right now. I mean I shouldn't be, but I am. There's too much to do and not enough time for me to enjoy myself. I'm stressed out about work and school, and stressed that I stress over the most trivial and stupid things that shouldn't bother me. I am frustrated with my parents, who never see my side of the argument, and let my brother do whatever he wants and has no responsibility for himself or anyone else, whereas when I was 16 I had a lot more to worry about.
And I think the main part of this frustration is that I should have experienced this stuff ages ago, well okay maybe not ages, but like 2 of 3 years ago. I think that's the problem with kids who mature faster then others and never really go through that 'rebellion stage', they kind of blow up in the last years of adolescence.
You know whats uncool, when people put pictures of the tattoos and piercings they have. Really? I don't want to know you have 34 piercing all over your body and six tattoos with plans for more. No thanks.
see you tomorrow.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I always find something to do rather than the paper that I should really be finishing. Like I only have three paragraphs, a quick reread, and doing the citation/refrences crap.
Agian so this will be short, really sort. So let me just say the new Harry Potter trailer looks amazing, I am soo excited to see it this summer, and I want it to come out now.(Actually that's a lie, I think I can wait a little bit, maybe until like May 9th when I'm done with classes.)
Anyway thats about how exciting my life is. I was kind of afraid for the youtube thing but they've only changed the profile stuff, and I don't make videos so its not that big of a deal for me. I should start making video though... If window's movie editor wasn't so dumb i probably would.
Alright I really need to work on the rest of this paper and do a calc quiz so i can go to bed at a decent hour, see ya tomorrow!
Agian so this will be short, really sort. So let me just say the new Harry Potter trailer looks amazing, I am soo excited to see it this summer, and I want it to come out now.(Actually that's a lie, I think I can wait a little bit, maybe until like May 9th when I'm done with classes.)
Anyway thats about how exciting my life is. I was kind of afraid for the youtube thing but they've only changed the profile stuff, and I don't make videos so its not that big of a deal for me. I should start making video though... If window's movie editor wasn't so dumb i probably would.
Alright I really need to work on the rest of this paper and do a calc quiz so i can go to bed at a decent hour, see ya tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I love it when a website's cookies die or whatever and i have to sit and ponder, scratch my head, and curse the god above that I don't remember which user name I've use with which password. See I have a variation of 4 general names I use online depending on the place im using and such. Most of them consist of Bigred...[Insert numbers here]. So I get confused a lot. The screen name was chosen in between 7th and 8th grade, because i realized that though my first aim screenname was pretty cool (S134harrypotter) it wasn't exactly mature enough for me, so I switch to something that describes me so simply and perfectly I'm suprised I actually though of it myself. Bigred gum of course is spicy, firey and can have quite a temper, then mellows out into the lovely cinomin-y flavor once your taste buds have gone num. Which I think can describe me when I'm in one of those moods. But the real reason i picked it was because I was always the tall redheaded girl in my classes since i've gone to class. Yeah I'm so cheesey and literal its not even funny.
Wow, random stuff, which is good because i have to get the first two pages of my english paper online by like 12ish and study for bio. The paper so far, consist of:
In the city of Edinburgh Scotland in the late eighties and early nineties author Irvine Welsh paints a picture of drug addicts facing problems in their own lifestyle, some being the constant fear of being infected with AIDS, the death of friends and family, and trying to kick a habit that has been around for so long it is hard to let go.
I'm not sure if this will work with the rest of my essay but whatever, i gotta study for bio after that and curse my college for not having enouhg classes open for the classes i have to take next year. Sometimes I wish i was still in high school, doing little to get by well enough, but then i realize how terrible it is and am content
see you tomorrow!
Wow, random stuff, which is good because i have to get the first two pages of my english paper online by like 12ish and study for bio. The paper so far, consist of:
In the city of Edinburgh Scotland in the late eighties and early nineties author Irvine Welsh paints a picture of drug addicts facing problems in their own lifestyle, some being the constant fear of being infected with AIDS, the death of friends and family, and trying to kick a habit that has been around for so long it is hard to let go.
I'm not sure if this will work with the rest of my essay but whatever, i gotta study for bio after that and curse my college for not having enouhg classes open for the classes i have to take next year. Sometimes I wish i was still in high school, doing little to get by well enough, but then i realize how terrible it is and am content
see you tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Really not in a good mood, busy and tired and stressed and worried about everything. So I'm just going to fill out a survey right now to waste some time and for those reading to get to know me more.
Whats one thing that's heavily weighing on your mind?
My grades in school, especially calculus, which i am now failing.
What's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
Um, I generally don't realize it's gone bad until it is bad and then I'm lost and a bit upset and angry.
Whats one thing you've learned lately from love?
It seems scary and cheesy and wonderful at the same time, although I've never been in it.
Is there anyone special in your life at the moment?
Sure, everyone is special.
What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
I saw my friend Katlyn because she was home for Easter.
Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
Not really I don't think. Maybe just all around working harder.
Whats something that can always make you feel better?
Friends, reading, sleeping, crying.
Who was the last person you had a crush on?
Generally I just think someone is good looking and then realize they are an ass. So I prefer the term fancying someone. But there have been a couple that don't stand out. Maybe Brian or Nick? But nothing will happen.
Where do you see yourself this time next year?
Hopefully still in college, in Ireland :)
Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
No I don't think so, I like to not be a nuisance.
Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
Friends, certian family members, myself.
Is there something that you're waiting for?
One thing you're not looking forward to?
Um the rest of the semester. Too much work and effort.
How do you feel about change?
Not a fan of big major change. But I try to deal.
Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?
I guess.
When do you think the world will end?
In a long time, preferably not when I'm around.
Whats the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
My prom dress I think.
Why do you drive the car you have right now?
To go to school and work. I practically live in it.
Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?
Um, what kind of kiss? Since I still haven't had my 'first kiss' then No, since he is not around, but in a general term yes.
Did you get any compliments today?
What were you just thinking about?
The millions of things I should be doing instead of this, and that I need to charge my laptop.
When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
Like, an hour ago.
Would you stop and ask for directions if you were lost?
No. I would wing it.
If you were atop a tall building, would you throw stuff at people below?
Probably not.
Do you believe we really landed on the moon?
If a spaceship landed on your front lawn, what would be your 1st reaction?
I would hope it was the Doctor in his TARDIS, but if not probably freak out and be curious at the same time.
Do you believe people should get married in a church?
It's their perogative. I don't care.
Have you stuck your hand up a vending machine to try and get something out?
Ever filled out magazine subscription cards for someone else as a joke?
What items would you NOT buy from a rummage sale?
clothes, shoes.
If there's a food drive, do you start searching for stuff YOU wouldn't eat?
Um, I generally just pull out whatever is not expired and non-perishable. Or just get canned veggies.
Does the news depress you?
Sort of.
What topping do you HATE on pizzas?
Anchovies, athough I've never had it on the pizza
Got any interesting wigs?
Do hypothetical situations honestly prepare a person for what's to come?
Depends on the situation and how plausable they could be.
Can you resist temptation?
Depends on the temptation.
Do people underestimate your intelligence?
Probably seceretly, I know I do.
Would a credit card get you into trouble?
No I'm a saver
Truth or dare?
Do you believe it's okay to tell white lies?
sure why not.
What Mario game was your least favorite, and why?
I love Mario games.
Have you ever been snowed in?
no... not that i recall
What do you like in your omelettes?
um veggies and cheese and ham.
Which is more annoying: sequels or prequels?
Do you use rechargeable batteries?
Describe the chair you're sitting in. Is it comfy?
I'm on my bed. so yes
Do you like to drink Jell-o as you're making it?
Which That 70's Show character would you like to kick it with?
I wasn't a That 70's Show fan, so i don't know who.
Does your alarm clock actually awaken you?
Ever think you might have seen a UFO?
probably as a kid
Does playing games in 2-D bother you because you now play mostly 3-D games?
Tell the weirdest name of a town/city you've ever heard:
Intercourse PA :)
Say a superhero like Spiderman saved you. Would you fall in love?
probably not.
Yeah now your sooo informed right!
Whats one thing that's heavily weighing on your mind?
My grades in school, especially calculus, which i am now failing.
What's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
Um, I generally don't realize it's gone bad until it is bad and then I'm lost and a bit upset and angry.
Whats one thing you've learned lately from love?
It seems scary and cheesy and wonderful at the same time, although I've never been in it.
Is there anyone special in your life at the moment?
Sure, everyone is special.
What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
I saw my friend Katlyn because she was home for Easter.
Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
Not really I don't think. Maybe just all around working harder.
Whats something that can always make you feel better?
Friends, reading, sleeping, crying.
Who was the last person you had a crush on?
Generally I just think someone is good looking and then realize they are an ass. So I prefer the term fancying someone. But there have been a couple that don't stand out. Maybe Brian or Nick? But nothing will happen.
Where do you see yourself this time next year?
Hopefully still in college, in Ireland :)
Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
No I don't think so, I like to not be a nuisance.
Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
Friends, certian family members, myself.
Is there something that you're waiting for?
One thing you're not looking forward to?
Um the rest of the semester. Too much work and effort.
How do you feel about change?
Not a fan of big major change. But I try to deal.
Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?
I guess.
When do you think the world will end?
In a long time, preferably not when I'm around.
Whats the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
My prom dress I think.
Why do you drive the car you have right now?
To go to school and work. I practically live in it.
Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?
Um, what kind of kiss? Since I still haven't had my 'first kiss' then No, since he is not around, but in a general term yes.
Did you get any compliments today?
What were you just thinking about?
The millions of things I should be doing instead of this, and that I need to charge my laptop.
When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
Like, an hour ago.
Would you stop and ask for directions if you were lost?
No. I would wing it.
If you were atop a tall building, would you throw stuff at people below?
Probably not.
Do you believe we really landed on the moon?
If a spaceship landed on your front lawn, what would be your 1st reaction?
I would hope it was the Doctor in his TARDIS, but if not probably freak out and be curious at the same time.
Do you believe people should get married in a church?
It's their perogative. I don't care.
Have you stuck your hand up a vending machine to try and get something out?
Ever filled out magazine subscription cards for someone else as a joke?
What items would you NOT buy from a rummage sale?
clothes, shoes.
If there's a food drive, do you start searching for stuff YOU wouldn't eat?
Um, I generally just pull out whatever is not expired and non-perishable. Or just get canned veggies.
Does the news depress you?
Sort of.
What topping do you HATE on pizzas?
Anchovies, athough I've never had it on the pizza
Got any interesting wigs?
Do hypothetical situations honestly prepare a person for what's to come?
Depends on the situation and how plausable they could be.
Can you resist temptation?
Depends on the temptation.
Do people underestimate your intelligence?
Probably seceretly, I know I do.
Would a credit card get you into trouble?
No I'm a saver
Truth or dare?
Do you believe it's okay to tell white lies?
sure why not.
What Mario game was your least favorite, and why?
I love Mario games.
Have you ever been snowed in?
no... not that i recall
What do you like in your omelettes?
um veggies and cheese and ham.
Which is more annoying: sequels or prequels?
Do you use rechargeable batteries?
Describe the chair you're sitting in. Is it comfy?
I'm on my bed. so yes
Do you like to drink Jell-o as you're making it?
Which That 70's Show character would you like to kick it with?
I wasn't a That 70's Show fan, so i don't know who.
Does your alarm clock actually awaken you?
Ever think you might have seen a UFO?
probably as a kid
Does playing games in 2-D bother you because you now play mostly 3-D games?
Tell the weirdest name of a town/city you've ever heard:
Intercourse PA :)
Say a superhero like Spiderman saved you. Would you fall in love?
probably not.
Yeah now your sooo informed right!
Monday, April 13, 2009
I am soo hungry. But I don't want to wait for food, the lines are long and the food here at school is usually not worth my money unless I'm desperate. I have learned two things now that I've gone to college and have to pay for some of my own things.
1. I am cheap.
2. I still mooch off my parents for anything.
Oh the life of someone who is an adult, but I have become soo good at getting stuff at my parents house, eating things that I wouldn't before and weigh the pros and cons on spending money on food for myself. I must admit people tell me it looks like i've lost weight (well not in the last few weeks, since all I've done is eat with my mom being imobile and wanting food.) But its because I am sort of training myself to eat less and better portions. This usually fails and I end up eating one big meal a day and eating something throughout the entire day.
Okay, switching topic I'm in the student lounge and everyone around me is doing things I wish i could do now which consists of: people eating FOOD, people reading decent looking books, and someone SLEEPING!
If I didn't have class in half an hour I would be doing at least one or two of them.
I guess that this means ill have to get food after class. And I have soo much to do still.
Oh college is awesome!
see you tomorrow!
1. I am cheap.
2. I still mooch off my parents for anything.
Oh the life of someone who is an adult, but I have become soo good at getting stuff at my parents house, eating things that I wouldn't before and weigh the pros and cons on spending money on food for myself. I must admit people tell me it looks like i've lost weight (well not in the last few weeks, since all I've done is eat with my mom being imobile and wanting food.) But its because I am sort of training myself to eat less and better portions. This usually fails and I end up eating one big meal a day and eating something throughout the entire day.
Okay, switching topic I'm in the student lounge and everyone around me is doing things I wish i could do now which consists of: people eating FOOD, people reading decent looking books, and someone SLEEPING!
If I didn't have class in half an hour I would be doing at least one or two of them.
I guess that this means ill have to get food after class. And I have soo much to do still.
Oh college is awesome!
see you tomorrow!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Drinking Snapple in a two minute span is not good at 10 at night. ergh massive caffeine headache.
I really have nothing to talk about that occurred today. I worked, I went out to dinner with my friends, and have been doing hw and watching the last of the Dr. Who marathon. Fantastic easter, right? Nope. Boring and Dull.
So since I have nothing to talk about I am going to get back to my calc hw and research for psych.
I really have nothing to talk about that occurred today. I worked, I went out to dinner with my friends, and have been doing hw and watching the last of the Dr. Who marathon. Fantastic easter, right? Nope. Boring and Dull.
So since I have nothing to talk about I am going to get back to my calc hw and research for psych.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Spent the day working and watching the saved Doctor Who episodes on my DVR. I'm pretty sure I'll finish them up tomorrow after work. While writing my psych paper. Is it bad for me to hope that oneday the Doctor will show up and take me on a grand adventure into the past/present/who-knows-where. Ah, I can still be a dreamer, even if it won't happen. Maybe I'll have an impulse buy and get all the seasons.
In other news, I watched Slumdog last night, it was a good movie, nice plot and ending, but I'm not sure how it won so many awards. I mean I am not a film critic, but still. I must say I really liked the music in it. And I am determined to learn the dance in the end of it. I think I'll have to watch it agian.
I don't want to work tomorrow. Someone get me out of it please.
In other news, I watched Slumdog last night, it was a good movie, nice plot and ending, but I'm not sure how it won so many awards. I mean I am not a film critic, but still. I must say I really liked the music in it. And I am determined to learn the dance in the end of it. I think I'll have to watch it agian.
I don't want to work tomorrow. Someone get me out of it please.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Today is awesome simply because its a Doctor Who Marathon, AND they even mention Harry Potter in it; its sad how I get happy on the littlest things.
But yes, enjoying Doctor Who, I really wish they'd play it in order, since the last Dr. Who I watched involved WWII and the 9th doctor, I really want to see the one where he regenerates into David Tennant.
That pretty much sums up my day today, I might be hanging out with a friend later who's home for Easter, but other then that a relaxing night before I start writing my psychology paper on BiPolar Disorder.
Have a good Friday! (hahaha im such a hoot, well have a Good Friday too, see capitalization matters!)
See ya Tommorrow!
But yes, enjoying Doctor Who, I really wish they'd play it in order, since the last Dr. Who I watched involved WWII and the 9th doctor, I really want to see the one where he regenerates into David Tennant.
That pretty much sums up my day today, I might be hanging out with a friend later who's home for Easter, but other then that a relaxing night before I start writing my psychology paper on BiPolar Disorder.
Have a good Friday! (hahaha im such a hoot, well have a Good Friday too, see capitalization matters!)
See ya Tommorrow!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Do you want to know what's really bad? My retaining knowledge from all the TV shows and books that I take in. I guess my brain tells me that I should remember valuable things from school then what the diagnosis was for the patient in house three weeks ago.
But in all seriousness, I'm pretty sure I have some memory issues. Like, I don't remember how Desmond got off the island of lost (but in my defense there is soo much going on in that show that, oh wait i remember, but to continue my sentence, there is so much going on in that show its like crazy.) I have the hardest time remembering what the person has for a diagnosis in house (but in my defense too, there's been a hundred shows, and if i can't remember any of them, it'll be like watching them for the first time, only I know what will happen to the main characters of the show). And my cousin was telling me how I told her to read a book that she finally got around to. She said the name of the book, and I could not remember it for the life of me, so I had to look it up on amazon, and even then it was a bit fuzzy.
Yeah, i think my mind is going crazy, but that's okay, all i plan on doing tomorrow is watching the Dr. Who Marathon on Sci-fi.
And yes this is fairly late, in fact i could probably write the next blog in half an hour, but I wont
see you guys sometime tomorrow!
But in all seriousness, I'm pretty sure I have some memory issues. Like, I don't remember how Desmond got off the island of lost (but in my defense there is soo much going on in that show that, oh wait i remember, but to continue my sentence, there is so much going on in that show its like crazy.) I have the hardest time remembering what the person has for a diagnosis in house (but in my defense too, there's been a hundred shows, and if i can't remember any of them, it'll be like watching them for the first time, only I know what will happen to the main characters of the show). And my cousin was telling me how I told her to read a book that she finally got around to. She said the name of the book, and I could not remember it for the life of me, so I had to look it up on amazon, and even then it was a bit fuzzy.
Yeah, i think my mind is going crazy, but that's okay, all i plan on doing tomorrow is watching the Dr. Who Marathon on Sci-fi.
And yes this is fairly late, in fact i could probably write the next blog in half an hour, but I wont
see you guys sometime tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
day 8
I figure today I should talk about something important, and long. But I don't think that it will happen. But I will tell a story because I like to tell stories, occasionally. Now I think that it would be awesome to be a YA writer, it seems like a really cool job. You get to interact with fan online, write books all day, chill with other cool authors, go to special places to meet your fans, and publish a book that people will actually buy. I mean it would be the ultimate dream job, with say working at Charm City Cakes as a cake decorator being a very close second. (I love that show, a lot)
And I mean I'm fairly intelligent. I know how to write, I have been doing it forever and I must be doing okay since I've passed all my classes that involve writing papers and such; but then i realize I have no good stories in my head. The last time I wrote a full story, with a beginning, middle and end, was fourth grade. In fact that is one of the few things i remember about fourth grade, which also included: Finding out naked men were considered art(everyone was looking at the statue David in the encyclopedia, we were all amazed at the time), Learning about the male and female reproductive organs, and what happens when you start to hit puberty( which consisted of a women saying, "Now boys don't ask if a girl has to bring her purse to the bathroom to hide her tampons/pads, and girls don't make fun of boys if they have to randomly go to the bathroom and cover their hands over their boy parts". I'm pretty sure that mortified me at the age of 9.), those stupid long multiplicity charts where we were timed five minutes to do, like 100 multiplication problems, spelling test, and CMTS, which were Connecticut's standardized test for kids.
That was the last year you could write an actual story for the writing part, and then it changed in middle school, where you had to persuade a person to start school later, allow for no gym class, etc. And so that is why I have not written a story. I didn't take creative writing in high school, and another reason why this has not occurred is because I hate editing my work. It's like the worst thing imaginable to edit a 300 page book. So I envy those authors who could get through it.
I feel like this post got you nowhere, only to know that I can't write to save my life. Oh well. In fact I have to read some god awful articles on Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh. Any ideas how I can use scenes from that book into an essay that deals with transgression and who is hurt by thoughts that are not spoken? Yeah I figured. I guess I'll have to fight that battle by myself.
K guys, see ya tomorrow!
And I mean I'm fairly intelligent. I know how to write, I have been doing it forever and I must be doing okay since I've passed all my classes that involve writing papers and such; but then i realize I have no good stories in my head. The last time I wrote a full story, with a beginning, middle and end, was fourth grade. In fact that is one of the few things i remember about fourth grade, which also included: Finding out naked men were considered art(everyone was looking at the statue David in the encyclopedia, we were all amazed at the time), Learning about the male and female reproductive organs, and what happens when you start to hit puberty( which consisted of a women saying, "Now boys don't ask if a girl has to bring her purse to the bathroom to hide her tampons/pads, and girls don't make fun of boys if they have to randomly go to the bathroom and cover their hands over their boy parts". I'm pretty sure that mortified me at the age of 9.), those stupid long multiplicity charts where we were timed five minutes to do, like 100 multiplication problems, spelling test, and CMTS, which were Connecticut's standardized test for kids.
That was the last year you could write an actual story for the writing part, and then it changed in middle school, where you had to persuade a person to start school later, allow for no gym class, etc. And so that is why I have not written a story. I didn't take creative writing in high school, and another reason why this has not occurred is because I hate editing my work. It's like the worst thing imaginable to edit a 300 page book. So I envy those authors who could get through it.
I feel like this post got you nowhere, only to know that I can't write to save my life. Oh well. In fact I have to read some god awful articles on Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh. Any ideas how I can use scenes from that book into an essay that deals with transgression and who is hurt by thoughts that are not spoken? Yeah I figured. I guess I'll have to fight that battle by myself.
K guys, see ya tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ah my cousin's here so i don't have time to blog today because i've been busy all day. But at least i acknowledged that i am too busy to post.
lets just say she is borrowing my twilight book eclipse and she's already 200 pages in. oh boy.
Let me say that last night's House was SO HORRIBLE AND SAD. I was talking to my friend the entire time and I just kept saying, maybe its a joke, maybe its a later april fools. But alas, it wasn't. I am in a mourning state because of House. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it. But OMG WATCH IT NOW!
Proper post tomorrow.
Sorry see you then.
lets just say she is borrowing my twilight book eclipse and she's already 200 pages in. oh boy.
Let me say that last night's House was SO HORRIBLE AND SAD. I was talking to my friend the entire time and I just kept saying, maybe its a joke, maybe its a later april fools. But alas, it wasn't. I am in a mourning state because of House. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it. But OMG WATCH IT NOW!
Proper post tomorrow.
Sorry see you then.
Monday, April 6, 2009
It's monday, its early, I just ate and spent way too much money on food from the cafe. Generally I try to avoid getting food there because I have to buy it and I have become such a moocher in college its great. The only problem today is we have no food in my house. Like nothing of substance and that can be eatten on its own.
You're probably like 'Meaghan is almost 10! You should be wide awake and perky!!! No. I woke up at 6:30. College students should not be allowed to wake up before 9, but no. Whenever Monday rolls around i cringe because it means I have to get up early.
This post is going no where really. I was thinking of elaborate and enterataning ways to impress people with my wisdomasity, but it has failed miserably agian.
I've realized BEDA is a terrible month to occur. I mean I have finals the first week of May, I have a milllion and a half things I SHOULD be doing, but here I am writing.
I think the last week of april will consist of random, fragmented sentences while i live on caffine, sugar and anything to keep my up while studying.
See ya tomorrow!
You're probably like 'Meaghan is almost 10! You should be wide awake and perky!!! No. I woke up at 6:30. College students should not be allowed to wake up before 9, but no. Whenever Monday rolls around i cringe because it means I have to get up early.
This post is going no where really. I was thinking of elaborate and enterataning ways to impress people with my wisdomasity, but it has failed miserably agian.
I've realized BEDA is a terrible month to occur. I mean I have finals the first week of May, I have a milllion and a half things I SHOULD be doing, but here I am writing.
I think the last week of april will consist of random, fragmented sentences while i live on caffine, sugar and anything to keep my up while studying.
See ya tomorrow!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Day five?
Oh Jesse Spenser as the heart throb in Uptown Girls. I'm not really looking forward to Dakota Fanning in the next Twilight movie. Scratch that, I am. A lot more stuff to make fun of.
I'm excited that there's a Doctor Who maraton this friday because all the other ones on BBC and SciFi, so thats good.
I really don't have anything to say today because I have to do my paper, mean girls is on, and I have to get food soon because I am hungry.
See ya tomorrow!!
I'm excited that there's a Doctor Who maraton this friday because all the other ones on BBC and SciFi, so thats good.
I really don't have anything to say today because I have to do my paper, mean girls is on, and I have to get food soon because I am hungry.
See ya tomorrow!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Um, there's nothing really exciting to talk about, since its 9 o'clock and I have nothing to do on a saturday, maybe i should start my paper...
My parents are arguing about something about CPTV and the Moody Blues, they are yelling about math and stuff, they're old farts. I really have nothing exciting to say, I worked all day. Where I work it teaches me that I would never want kids. Oh! I'll talk about work.
So I work at friendly's. Friendly's is pretty much hell in a nutshell. Working at a lower level reasturant with kids yelling and screaming all the time, actually theres two extremes of the kids that come to the reasturant. The bad brats, and the really cute and polite kids. But of course I only remember the bad ones. Working at a resturant makes you deal with the crotchaty old men who are picky, as well as the old ladies who have to have everything just right and are also soo picky. It just teaches you how to deal with the people of the world. But today I had to hear screaming kids for six hours today, so i feel now that i don't want to deal with this on a daily basis. It's just annoying working at a reasturant. I wish there was other ways for working college ways to make decent money.
I've decided the facebook ads arn't as funny as a though. Sad really. I've seen some really good ones on there that make me laugh and or scratch my head.
See you all tomorrow!!
My parents are arguing about something about CPTV and the Moody Blues, they are yelling about math and stuff, they're old farts. I really have nothing exciting to say, I worked all day. Where I work it teaches me that I would never want kids. Oh! I'll talk about work.
So I work at friendly's. Friendly's is pretty much hell in a nutshell. Working at a lower level reasturant with kids yelling and screaming all the time, actually theres two extremes of the kids that come to the reasturant. The bad brats, and the really cute and polite kids. But of course I only remember the bad ones. Working at a resturant makes you deal with the crotchaty old men who are picky, as well as the old ladies who have to have everything just right and are also soo picky. It just teaches you how to deal with the people of the world. But today I had to hear screaming kids for six hours today, so i feel now that i don't want to deal with this on a daily basis. It's just annoying working at a reasturant. I wish there was other ways for working college ways to make decent money.
I've decided the facebook ads arn't as funny as a though. Sad really. I've seen some really good ones on there that make me laugh and or scratch my head.
See you all tomorrow!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
um day three?
College makes me laugh sometimes. For example, why is my final exam schedule set so I have an exam on a Tuesday at 8:15 (meaning it will be over at 10:15, I won't get home until 11) and then an exam at 10:30 am the next day!!! Not to mention its chemistry then calculus. WHY COLLEGE MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME!?
Maybe I should be happy though, I mean I am going to a good college, heck I am IN college which is good, because a) I have never though I was smart enough to get into college, and b) its kind of a bad economy and I lucky to be here.
Anyway I'm watching What not to Wear. I feel like I would be a perfect candidate for this show, in fact i would wholeheartedly accept their $5,000. Plus do you know that Nick Arojo or whatever his name is, wants $500 dollars for a haircut! Please I need someone to put me on this show so I know what to do with myself.
And yes that is what I do on the weekends now. I should be writing a paper, but I'm tired. It's been a long week.
Maybe I will become more articulate with the whole blogging everyday thing. I've never been good at it, nor good at telling stories and such. I feel like I need to end the blog with something fun and exciting each time. I know FACEBOOK FUNNY ADS!!
We'll I'm not sure why I need to find Abe, I mean he is a fascinating guy, but still, facebook why do you think I need to find Abe? And what prizes? I love ads like this!
More tomorrow!!!

Maybe I should be happy though, I mean I am going to a good college, heck I am IN college which is good, because a) I have never though I was smart enough to get into college, and b) its kind of a bad economy and I lucky to be here.
Anyway I'm watching What not to Wear. I feel like I would be a perfect candidate for this show, in fact i would wholeheartedly accept their $5,000. Plus do you know that Nick Arojo or whatever his name is, wants $500 dollars for a haircut! Please I need someone to put me on this show so I know what to do with myself.
And yes that is what I do on the weekends now. I should be writing a paper, but I'm tired. It's been a long week.
Maybe I will become more articulate with the whole blogging everyday thing. I've never been good at it, nor good at telling stories and such. I feel like I need to end the blog with something fun and exciting each time. I know FACEBOOK FUNNY ADS!!

More tomorrow!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dayy 2!!!!
So I forget that its April and I have to blog everyday. Really? Its only the second day AND I made it out alive from April Fools Day. But alas here I am, writing to you all (or to no one, which is the more likely of the two). I really need to study, I have to big exams tomorrow and its currently 9:30 and I'm just starting. Not my fault. Last night I studied for chem and I had work and classes all day today. Story of my life, busy busy busy.
I'm studying for calculus with a Harry Potter pencil though, which makes me happy.
Okay I really have nothing other to say, so I'll write a longer/ more interesting blog tomorrow.
Although I will leave you with a thought: How can people forget to put french fries in a bag at McDonald's!?
Oh people annoy me.
I'm studying for calculus with a Harry Potter pencil though, which makes me happy.
Okay I really have nothing other to say, so I'll write a longer/ more interesting blog tomorrow.
Although I will leave you with a thought: How can people forget to put french fries in a bag at McDonald's!?
Oh people annoy me.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
hello everyone!
So it's BEDA in the crazy land of the Internet, of course created by the amazing Maureen Johnson. At first I thought to myself that I wasn't going to partake in this project because I don't have any time. Now you're probably thinking this is silly. But it is true. I have a Chemistry test tomorrow (Very scary) and a Calculus and Abnormal Psychology one on Friday (even more scarier since there is two of them). But I shall procrastinate some more!
Now, this isn't my first blog. I have a live journal account, which I basically used for reading Harry Potter fan-fic and looking at Harry Potter art. But now I've moved away from it (i won't elaborate here, I may post a blog strictly for my relationship with Harry Potter). But I feel its just too young for me, and yes I am still a teenager, but still. I think that its Twilight's fault (again maybe a blog post will be donated to this, but that might be giving it too much credit). But I have to say I'm not ready to let it go. I read some of my posts from when I first got it when I was 16 and I realized how much of a moody, crabby and generally mad at the world kind of person I was. Well, not that much, but to a large extent it was true.
Anyway this is going to be interesting. It may be a way to relax during 'hell month' (It's the last month of the semester for me in college.)
But there is two things i still have to mention today! 1. My hatred for April Fool's Day. I am not a fan. I am really gullible and i always equate April Fools with scariness. And I am a freaking scared-y cat. A couple of weeks ago I was watching Texas Chain Saw Massacre and it scared me and I only watched the first 15 minutes of it... So this day is not good for my nerves.
And 2. You're probably wondering who I am, good question! I'm Meaghan; hence the name of the blog. I really don't get into shenanigans that often, but hey it works for me. I'm in college right now, a freshman physical therapy major. I love to read and sleep and procrastinate. I love my friends and family and am just trying to piece through the puzzle of life.
So more to come tomorrow! Actually the doorbell rang, so I'm gonna hide in my room and make my dad get it because I hate answering the door. :)
Now, this isn't my first blog. I have a live journal account, which I basically used for reading Harry Potter fan-fic and looking at Harry Potter art. But now I've moved away from it (i won't elaborate here, I may post a blog strictly for my relationship with Harry Potter). But I feel its just too young for me, and yes I am still a teenager, but still. I think that its Twilight's fault (again maybe a blog post will be donated to this, but that might be giving it too much credit). But I have to say I'm not ready to let it go. I read some of my posts from when I first got it when I was 16 and I realized how much of a moody, crabby and generally mad at the world kind of person I was. Well, not that much, but to a large extent it was true.
Anyway this is going to be interesting. It may be a way to relax during 'hell month' (It's the last month of the semester for me in college.)
But there is two things i still have to mention today! 1. My hatred for April Fool's Day. I am not a fan. I am really gullible and i always equate April Fools with scariness. And I am a freaking scared-y cat. A couple of weeks ago I was watching Texas Chain Saw Massacre and it scared me and I only watched the first 15 minutes of it... So this day is not good for my nerves.
And 2. You're probably wondering who I am, good question! I'm Meaghan; hence the name of the blog. I really don't get into shenanigans that often, but hey it works for me. I'm in college right now, a freshman physical therapy major. I love to read and sleep and procrastinate. I love my friends and family and am just trying to piece through the puzzle of life.
So more to come tomorrow! Actually the doorbell rang, so I'm gonna hide in my room and make my dad get it because I hate answering the door. :)
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