Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I love it when a website's cookies die or whatever and i have to sit and ponder, scratch my head, and curse the god above that I don't remember which user name I've use with which password. See I have a variation of 4 general names I use online depending on the place im using and such. Most of them consist of Bigred...[Insert numbers here]. So I get confused a lot. The screen name was chosen in between 7th and 8th grade, because i realized that though my first aim screenname was pretty cool (S134harrypotter) it wasn't exactly mature enough for me, so I switch to something that describes me so simply and perfectly I'm suprised I actually though of it myself. Bigred gum of course is spicy, firey and can have quite a temper, then mellows out into the lovely cinomin-y flavor once your taste buds have gone num. Which I think can describe me when I'm in one of those moods. But the real reason i picked it was because I was always the tall redheaded girl in my classes since i've gone to class. Yeah I'm so cheesey and literal its not even funny.

Wow, random stuff, which is good because i have to get the first two pages of my english paper online by like 12ish and study for bio. The paper so far, consist of:

In the city of Edinburgh Scotland in the late eighties and early nineties author Irvine Welsh paints a picture of drug addicts facing problems in their own lifestyle, some being the constant fear of being infected with AIDS, the death of friends and family, and trying to kick a habit that has been around for so long it is hard to let go.

I'm not sure if this will work with the rest of my essay but whatever, i gotta study for bio after that and curse my college for not having enouhg classes open for the classes i have to take next year. Sometimes I wish i was still in high school, doing little to get by well enough, but then i realize how terrible it is and am content

see you tomorrow!

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