Wednesday, April 1, 2009

hello everyone!

So it's BEDA in the crazy land of the Internet, of course created by the amazing Maureen Johnson. At first I thought to myself that I wasn't going to partake in this project because I don't have any time. Now you're probably thinking this is silly. But it is true. I have a Chemistry test tomorrow (Very scary) and a Calculus and Abnormal Psychology one on Friday (even more scarier since there is two of them). But I shall procrastinate some more!

Now, this isn't my first blog. I have a live journal account, which I basically used for reading Harry Potter fan-fic and looking at Harry Potter art. But now I've moved away from it (i won't elaborate here, I may post a blog strictly for my relationship with Harry Potter). But I feel its just too young for me, and yes I am still a teenager, but still. I think that its Twilight's fault (again maybe a blog post will be donated to this, but that might be giving it too much credit). But I have to say I'm not ready to let it go. I read some of my posts from when I first got it when I was 16 and I realized how much of a moody, crabby and generally mad at the world kind of person I was. Well, not that much, but to a large extent it was true.

Anyway this is going to be interesting. It may be a way to relax during 'hell month' (It's the last month of the semester for me in college.)

But there is two things i still have to mention today! 1. My hatred for April Fool's Day. I am not a fan. I am really gullible and i always equate April Fools with scariness. And I am a freaking scared-y cat. A couple of weeks ago I was watching Texas Chain Saw Massacre and it scared me and I only watched the first 15 minutes of it... So this day is not good for my nerves.

And 2. You're probably wondering who I am, good question! I'm Meaghan; hence the name of the blog. I really don't get into shenanigans that often, but hey it works for me. I'm in college right now, a freshman physical therapy major. I love to read and sleep and procrastinate. I love my friends and family and am just trying to piece through the puzzle of life.

So more to come tomorrow! Actually the doorbell rang, so I'm gonna hide in my room and make my dad get it because I hate answering the door. :)

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