Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So I am sometimes baffled by the world I live in, well thats a lie I am usually baffled. Like for instance when is it smart to walk on a very busy Connecticut highway? Now I know you're thinking its impossible for Connecticut to be busy, but trust me dear reader it can be. A couple days ago I saw a guy walking on the the sides of the highway where you usally pull over for emergency stopping. Really? Like you could get hit by a car thats going 70+ miles.
The other thing that baffles me is those little signs people put in their yard. Now normally they're advertisements or vote so-and-so to make your life better, but I saw one this morning while driving to school that sad something along the lines of underage drinking and with use of 'web slang' aka, R instead of are, U instead of you. REALLY? IS AMERICAN TEENAGERS SO DUMB YOU HAVE TO USE INTERNET SPEAK TO GET THEIR ATTENTION? Know I know I used those cool little shortcuts when I was like 11, but come on, you gotta learn how to type fast enought and constantly using those slangs will get you know where fast, trust me, im pretty sure I've seen kids due that during my lifetime in public schools.

Generally I don't care about sentence structure and all that crap, I'm bad at it, but really people?

Another quick note I want to say here is the fact that I am afraid for the future. Like, not just "will i get out of college? Will I have a job? Will I get married and have children?" sort of worries, like will there be a plant in 10 years? We're learning about the ecology of the earth and I'm pretty sure that if we don't fix it soon we're all screwed.

Oh tours are being given right now in the library, its that time of year agian. A bunch of young girls who look lost and confused as they oggle at every male adult on campus. Oh life.

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