I love that I am such a bad reader. And I say this because everyone has heard once you know how to read you just look for key letters that are in a word and you can figure it out. Well, I've have two stupid grammar moments in the past day and a half. The first word was botch, when I saw it I thought it was the word Biotch, as in, you know bitch. But I was wrong. Just now I checked CNN to see whats shakin' in the world and I swear I thought it said something along of the lines of 'nonsensical travel to Mexico'. Of course I had to look at the word again and realized I am such a tool and it was nonessential. Go me!
Okay so I was also on Facebook, I am always on facebook, its like a drug, and I found more funny ads in the sidebar, and i found this jewel:

First of all I find it funny because someone is trying to recruit people to be a fan of Jesus? Really facebook, you cease to amaze me. And second is the bottom one, at first I thought it said normal connecticut, which is cool. But then I was like "Why is there a weed symbol in the middle?" apparently this group wants weed to be legal in CT. I am kind of offended, I don't know if its aimed to my demographic because I live in CT, or because facebook thinks I'm a stoner....
Oh its my friend's birthday today too, so i basicly left her a message on facebook by popping poppers at a camera, it was fun.
alright i still have a ton of homework to do, see you tomorrow!
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