Monday, July 20, 2009

Sometimes I am amazed at people, most of the time I stare at them with my "Are you sure you're not stupid" look. But when I look at the memories of my youth and young-ish teen years it's quite amazing how much I've change, and yet how similar I still am.

I think I was always a nerdy kid, playing with pokemon, being absolutly terrible at any type of sports, getting so sick of hearing the same question over and over again, "Why aren't you playing basketball?" All of these things, and the little things haven't changed, much. Obviously I'm not obsessed with pokemon anymore, although on a rare occassion I'll take out my Game Boy and stick in the dusty Pokemon Red. But overall my manerisms and characteristics haven't really changed. When I find something and I love it I will engage in it in a crazy obsessive manner. For example Harry Potter.

Even with my sense of music, I've been the type of girl who will listen to a cd or a couple of songs constantly, on repeat. My music history is so diverse and crazy that I laugh about it, from Britney Spears, to Green Day, Mamma Mia, Wizard Rock, and to crazy dance music that is popular today can be found on my ipod, with me singing along to every word, albeit badly.

It's just weird to think that I'm still me from pre teenagehood. But I think there's so much that has changed too. I'm more outgoing than my 11 year old self. My best friend likes to make fun of me for this, saying it took me a whole 6 months for me to open up to her. I do agree, I'm more adventerous now and more rash and stupid too. A little late in teenage year but whatever. I am a little stronger now, intelectually and emotionaly. My tolerance for stupid acts and drama has decreased but I'm not a quite kid and will now tell you if a person bothers me.

I also thought I'd be so afraid to move out on my own, but now that I'm 19 I am almost relishing the idea that I can move out sometime soon. My friends worry that when I do things I never ease myself into the prossess. But I've always figured you might as well jump, life doesn't happen gradually so I shouldn't go against nature.

It's just nice to think that I never had any of those crazy mood swings as a teen, from being all emo to a preppy cheerleader or something. Not that thats a bad thing, but I don't think that would work for me.

And I've realized I'm still absolute crap at writing, Oh well.

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