Friday, July 31, 2009

It is of course the famous Jo Rowling's birthday today as well as Harry Potter's and like everyone else who has some opinion and idea on the internet, I am following suit by saying how much they mean to me, my life would be a lot duller and wonderful if my mom never pointed out those books to me about ten years ago.

It's funny because my parents and I went to eat at a local-ish ice cream parlor, and yes I spend my friday nights with my parents, I am so cool. But they normally have an icecream called Berry Potter, which I get because its inspired by HP. Sadly they did not have it today and I was going to eat it in their honor.

I did have a dream though that Jo came to my house and signed my books and I was able to take a picture with her. Someone in my dream was interviewing her and I started talking to her and she wanted to see my house for some reason. It felt so real that I almost went to check my HP books this morning, but I knew it could only be a dream.

If more of my dreams could be a reality then life would be great.

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