Monday, September 14, 2009

Today Will Be A Good Day

Sometimes I think days are going to be horrible. I left my house later than I thought, I practically ran across my school's quad and into the woods, far from where I parked. Lets just say I am not physically fit because I am incredibly lazy. But I get into class and ten minutes in I realized that another girl is wearing the exact same shirt I am wearing. Now it wasn't that big of a deal to me, but It's just ironic we were talking about probability in biostats and I kept thinking to myself "What's the probablity she'd have the same shirt as me and wear it on the same day."

But it also got worse as I realized that I needed shoes for my physics lab because I was wearing flip flops. I called my dad to bring me to target in a town over so I could keep my parking spot. He said he couldn't talking about stuff to do at work and covering a press confrence in New Haven over the terrible story about the missing Yale student. So I ran to Target and found no sneakers freaking out internally. But they had these cute blue penny loafer type things on sale for seven dollars. So I got them. I figure they cover most of my feet and we're working with a pendulum in physics anyway. But I got back to the parking lot from hell and scanned for spots until I was spontaneous and asked these guys walking if they were leaving. Ones said yes and I followed him to a PERFECT spot so close to the main campus I wanted to cry.

So now I'm trying to be productive and work on notes for a presentation for my leadership class. I'm meeting my group after class so I figure I should do something.

So I am feeling today will be a good day. I am staying positive for my sake.

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